Cash Sale

The cash sale record exposes a cash sale to REST web services.

To access this record in NetSuite, go to Transactions > Sales > Enter Cash Sales.

For information about the cash sale record user interface, see Cash Sales.

There are no prerequisites for using this record through REST web services.


REST web services do not support legacy tax features. To work with taxation through REST web services, you must have the SuiteTax feature enabled. For more information about using SuiteTax, see SuiteTax.

The REST API Browser includes information about the field names and field types of the cash sale record, and about the HTTP methods, request parameters, and operations available to this record. For details, see the REST API Browser’s cash sale reference page.

For information about using the REST API Browser, see The REST API Browser.

Record ID

The record ID for a cash sale REST record is cashsale.

Code Samples

These samples show common use cases for cash sales.

In the following examples,

  • <accountID> represents your account ID.

  • <recordKey> represents the database key for the invoice.

Creating a New Cash Sale With an Item

              POST: { "asofdate": "2021-03-15", "enddate": "2021-06-15", "entity": { "id": "217" }, "item": { "items": [ { "amount": 1000, "item": { "id": "143" } } ] }, "startdate": "2021-03-15"


Creating a New Cash Sale With a Billable Item

              POST: { "asofdate": "2021-03-15", "entity": { "id": "218" }, "itemcost": { "items": [ { "apply": true, "doc": { "id": "305" }, "line": 1 } ] }


Creating a New Cash Sale With a Billable Expense

              POST: { "entity": { "id": "217" }, "expcost": { "items": [ { "apply": true, "doc": { "id": "303" }, "line": 1 } ] }


Updating an Existing Cash Sale


The start date, end date, and quantity are in line item 1.

              PATCH:<recordKey> { "item": { "items": [ { "line": 1, "quantity": 5 } ] }, "startDate": "2021-03-05", "endDate": "2021-04-05"


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