Set Up an RSS Feed for your Blog

You can set up an RSS feed so that readers can get information and updates from your blog.

To use an RSS feed with your blog, perform the following steps:

  1. Schedule a Recurring Scheduled Script Submission

  2. Display the RSS Feed Link on your Blog


If you have multiple websites associated with your NetSuite account, the RSS feed includes information from blog posts from all of the websites.

Schedule a Recurring Scheduled Script Submission

Before using an RSS feed with your blog, you need to run the associated script. You can create a recurring scheduled script submission, so that after the first run, the RSS feed updates automatically.

Schedule a recurring scheduled script submission using the following information. For more information, see Scheduling a One Time or Recurring Scheduled Script Submission.

  • Script record: NS SC SS Blog RSS Generator

  • Script Deployment record: NS SC SS Blog RSS Generator


Scheduling a recurring scheduled script submission does not automatically run the script upon saving. To use the RSS feed with your blog more quickly, you should use the Save and Execute command on the Script Deployment record. For more information, see Submitting an On Demand Scheduled Script Instance from the UI.

Display the RSS Feed Link on your Blog

You can display the RSS feed link on your blog pages, so that readers can access the RSS feed.

To display the RSS Feed link on your blog:

  1. In NetSuite, go to Commerce > Websites > Configuration.

  2. Select the website and domain where the Blog extension is activated and click Configure.

  3. Go to the Extensions tab.

  4. In the Blog subtab, check the Show RSS feed link box.

  5. Click Save.

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