Configuring Mobile Page Elements

Mobile Configuration provides settings that you can configure to modify standard page elements. You can update the same settings through Mobile Customization, including additional ones available in custom mobile processes only.

The following table provides a list of settings available for each mobile page element:

Page Element



Action Button

Action Button example



Display Order

Visibility Condition

Disable Field Condition

Autoclick Condition

For standard mobile processes only:

  • On Click Custom Action

  • After On Click Action RESTlet

For custom mobile processes only:

  • Is Primary

  • On Click Action

  • Content Area

  • Button Size

Action settings (print button for mobile printing):

  • Inactive

  • Required

  • Automatic

Back Button

Back Button example


Visibility Condition

Display Order

Content Area

Capture Image Icon



Record Name

Field Name

Sublist Name

Visibility Condition

Display Order

Disable Field Condition

Image State Path

Reference Transaction Type

Reference Transaction State Path

Data Table

Data Table example

Is Mandantory


Display Order

Row Size

Visibility Condition

Include Hidden Element in Load Events

Toggle State

Retain Column Filters

Cache Table Data On Back Navigation

For standard mobile processes only:

  • On Row Click Custom Action

  • Disable Row Click

  • After Row Click Action RESTlet

For custom mobile processes only:

  • Message

  • Record Name

  • On Load Action

  • On Row Click Action

  • Toggle Label

  • Search Character Count

  • Search Delay

  • Server-Side Pagination

  • Select Multiple Rows

  • Table Title Placeholder

  • Custom Columns On Load Action

  • Custom Columns Response Key

  • Load Independently From Page Events

Row Colors:

  • Name

  • Column Condition

  • Color

  • Priority

  • Color Description

Date field

Date element example


Earliest Date

Default Value

Display Order

Visibility Condition

Include Hidden Element In Load Events

Disable Field Condition

Latest Date

For custom mobile processes only:

  • Record Name

  • Field Name

  • Sublist Name

  • Is Mandatory

  • Visibility Condition

  • On Load Action

Dropdown field

Dropdown element example

Is Mandatory


Disable For Single Value

Display Order

Visibility Condition

Include Hidden Element in Load Events

Disable Field Condition

Translatable Default Value

For custom mobile processes only:

  • Default Value

  • Input ID

  • Input Value

  • Record Name

  • Field Name

  • Sublist Name

  • On Load Action

  • On Select Action

  • Response Key

Dynamic Text



Display Order

Visibility Condition


Toggle State

Toggle Label

Text Style

Include Hidden Element in Load Events

For custom mobile processes only:

  • Message

  • Record Name

  • On Load Action

  • On Click Action




Element Icon or Icon Path


Display Order

Visibility Condition

For icons on standard independent pages only:

  • Roles

For custom mobile processes only:

  • On Click Action

Search Grid

Search Grid example


Search Delay

Search Character Count

For custom mobile processes only:

  • Record Name

  • Visibility Condition

  • On Load Action

  • On Row Click Action

  • Response Key

  • Custom Columns On Load Action

  • Custom Columns Response Key

Table Columns

(for Data Table and Search Grid)

Table Columns example

Is Visible By Default


Visibility Condition

For standard mobile processes only:

  • Disable Click

  • Column Order

  • On Click Custom Action

  • After Column Click Action RESTlet

For custom mobile processes only:

  • Response Key

  • Data Type

  • Display Order

  • Show Column Data as Buttons

  • Include in Group Filter

  • Merge Criteria - Standard Column Key, Custom Column Key

For Data Table elements only: Custom Columns Configuration

  • Mobile - Custom Column Setup - Name, On Load Action, Response Key

  • Mobile - Custom Column - Name, Label, Response Key

For URL column data types only:

  • Target URL

  • Display Label

Table Configurations

(for Data Table, Transfer Table, and Search Grid)


Element settings:

  • Show Selected

  • Configuration Order

  • Label

For custom mobile processes only:

  • Response Key

  • Parameter Key

  • Default Value Key

  • Display Order

  • Configuration Location

Text Area


Is Mandatory


Disable Paste

Display Order

Visibility Condition

Disable Field Condition

For custom mobile processes only:

  • Default Value

  • Layout

  • Record Name

  • Field Name

  • Sublist Name

  • On Load Action

Text Box

Text Box example

Is Mandatory


Default Value

Automatically Submit Default Value

Disable Paste

Display Order

Visibility Condition

Include Hidden Element in Load Events

Disable Field Condition

Regular Expression

On Validate Custom Action

On Scan Custom Action

For custom mobile processes only:

  • Data Type

  • Translatable Default Value

  • Placeholder

  • Message

  • Record Name

  • Field Name

  • Sublist Name

  • On Load Action

  • On Validate Action

  • On Scan Action

  • Layout

  • Remove Value on Back Navigation

Transfer Tables


Left Table Title

Right Table Title

Display Order

Row Size

Visibility Condition

Include Hidden Elements in Load Events

Open List Group Icon Path

Closed List Group Icon Path

For custom mobile processes only:

  • Record Name

  • On Click Action

  • Response Key

  • On Click Action For Left Row

  • On Click Action For Right Row

  • Message For Empty Left Table

  • Message For Empty Right Table

  • Custom Columns On Load Action

  • Custom Columns Response Key

Transfer Table Column


Column settings:

  • Is Visible By Default

  • Label

  • Column Order

  • Visibility Condition

For custom mobile processes only:

  • Response Key

  • Data Type

  • Display Order

  • On Click Action

  • Column Location

UOM (unit of measure)

UOM element example

Is Mandatory


Default Value

Display Order

Visibility Condition

Visibility Condition for Unit Only

Include Hidden Element in Load Events

Disable Field Condition

Disable Condition for Quantity Only

Disable Condition for Unit Only

For custom mobile processes only:

  • Regular Expression

  • Record Name

  • Field Name

  • Sublist Name

  • On Load Action

  • UOM Item ID Key

  • UOM Item Unit Key

  • Minimum Value

  • Maximum Value

  • Disable Paste

Upload File Icon



Record Name

Field Name

Sublist Name

Visibility Condition

Display Order

Disable Field Condition

Reference Transaction Type

Reference Transaction State Path

The following table describes possible values for each setting available for one or more mobile page elements:




Action Settings:

  • Inactive

  • Automatic

  • Required

Print action settings that modify the behavior of mobile printing. See Setting Up Automatic or Required Printing.

Possible values:

  • true - if checked

  • false - if cleared

Autoclick Condition

A condition that determines automatic clicking of an Action Button element.

Possible values:

  • true

  • false or blank

  • an expression that evaluates to true or false

Button Size

The size of an Action Button element located in the body of a mobile page. This setting does not apply to buttons at the footer of mobile pages, based on their Content Area setting.

Possible values:

  • (Blank - default size)

  • Medium

  • Large

Cache Table Data On Back Navigation

Check this box if you want to cache table data when you navigate back to a previous mobile page.

Possible values:

  • true - if checked

  • false - if cleared

Column Order

Where the column appears, in relation to other columns in the table.

For example, a value of 4 places the column after the third column in the table.


Content Area

The location on the page where the element appears.

Possible values:

  • Body

  • Footer

Custom action settings:

  • After Column Click Action RESTlet

  • After Row Click Action RESTlet

  • After On Click Action RESTlet *

  • Custom Columns On Load Action

  • On Click Custom Action

  • On Row Click Custom Action

  • On Scan Custom Action

  • On Validate Custom Action

The name of the custom mobile action you want to execute for the page element.

For example, you can create a custom mobile action for your own restlet and configure it in the On Scan Custom Action field of a text box element. When you scan a bar code using your mobile device, NetSuite calls your restlet from the associated custom mobile action.

* The After On Click Action RESTlet is available to buttons only on pages on which data are submitted, usually located toward the end of a process flow.


Data Type

The type of data displayed in the column of a table.

Possible values:

  • Text

  • Number

  • Password

  • Date

  • Icon

  • URL

Default Value

The default value that appears in a textbox element.


For a dynamic text, you can enter the state path for the state field from which you want to obtain the value.

Example: state:dataRecord:auxParams:warehouse

Disable Field Condition

The condition that determines the disable setting of an element.


Enter a condition or expression that evaluates to true or false.

Disable For Single Value

If you check this box, NetSuite disables the associated dropdown element when it contains only a single value. You cannot change the value of a disabled element or leave it blank.

Possible values:

  • true - if checked

  • false - if cleared

Disable Paste

If you check this box, you cannot paste text in the page element.

Possible values:

  • true - if checked

  • false - if cleared

Display Label

For URL column data types, the label or readable text that appears in a column cell instead of the actual URL. For multiple URLs, this text appears as a clickable link that displays the list of URLs on a popup window.


Example: Image link

Display Order

Where the element appears on the page, in relation to other elements on the page.

For example, a value of 4 places the element after the third position on the page.


Disable Row Click

If you check this box, you cannot tap text in the rows of this page element.

Possible values:

  • true - if checked

  • false - if cleared

Earliest Date

You cannot enter a date in a date field that is earlier than this date.


Field Name

The name of the field you want to add and use to store the page element value in a state.

By default, the field name value is associated with the record. This value is stored in the state as follows: <record>:<field>

If you provide a sublist name, the field name value becomes associated with the sublist. This value is stored in the state as follows: <record>:<sublist>:<field>


Example: firstname

Image State Path

Additional detail that appears before the timestamp of a captured image's filename

state path

Example: state:dataRecord:auxParams:warehouse

Include Hidden Element in Load Events

Indicates whether, during a load event, you want to load the data of an element that is hidden by default. It follows a visibility condition setting that evaluates to false.

Possible values:

  • true - if checked

  • false - if cleared

Include In Group Filter

Indicates whether you want to set up this column as a row filter.

Possible values:

  • true - if checked

  • false - if cleared

Is Mandatory

If you check this box, you must enter a value for the element before you can proceed to the next page or step in the mobile process.

Possible values:

  • true - if checked

  • false - if cleared

Is Primary

If you check this box, you assign the action associated with the on click event of the button as the primary action for the mobile page.

Possible values:

  • true - if checked

  • false - if cleared

Is Visible By Default

If you check this box, the element appears on the mobile page.

Possible values:

  • true - if checked

  • false - if cleared


The text that appears on the mobile page and identifies the element.


Latest Date

You cannot enter a date in a date field that is later than this date.



If you set this field to Block, the element appears below or above another element.

If you set this field to Inline, the element appears next to another element within the same row or line.

Possible values:

  • Block

  • Inline

On Click

The mobile action to execute when you tap a page element.

<action name>

On Load Action

The mobile action you want to trigger to fetch data when loading this page element.

<action name>

On Row Click

The action to execute when you tap an element’s row.

<action name>

Record Name

The name of the record you want to associate with the page element and store in a state.

For page elements with the Field Name field, such as the dropdown list, enter the name of the record that contains the field you want to associate with the dropdown list and store in a state.

For example, in the dropdown element, you want to display the first name from the employee records. You can enter the name of the employee record in this field and configure the first name in the Field Name field.


Example: employee

Reference Transaction State Path

The state path to the key that holds the internal ID of transaction associated with the mobile process. Set this field along with the Reference Transaction Type for the Image Capture Icon or Upload File Icon.

state path

Example: state:datarecord:scriptParams:transactionInternalId

Reference Transaction Type

The internal ID of the type of transaction associated with the mobile process. Set this field along with the Reference Transaction State Path for the Image Capture Icon or Upload File Icon.

internal ID

Example: purchaseorder

Regular Expression

The expected format for the entered text. To be a valid entry, the entered text must match this format.

<numeral and expression symbols>

For example, you can set up a numbers-only field by using the following expression: ^[0-9]*$

Remove Value On Back Navigation

Indicates whether you want to persist or retain the value in the field when you navigate to a previous page of a mobile process.

Possible values:

  • true - if checked

  • false - if cleared

Response Key

The key in the restlet’s response from which the table element’s response can be fetched.


Retain Column Filters

Indicates whether you want to retain the filters that you select for a table on a mobile page, even when you navigate to another mobile page within the process. The behavior applies throughout an active session.

Possible values:

  • true - if checked

  • false - if cleared


One or more roles that can access the icon on a standard independent page.

<selected roles>

Row Color settings:


  • Color

Color used to highlight data table rows

Possible values:

  • Blue, Green Orange, Purple, Red, Yellow

  • Column Condition

A condition that determines which rows to highlight using a color based on data specified through it

Possible values:

  • true

  • false or blank

  • an expression that evaluates to true or false

  • Color Description

Short text that describes when a color is used


Example: Urgent order

  • Priority

A number greater than zero that indicates the priority of a color with regard to other colors that you set up for the same table


Row Size

The number of rows you want to appear on a transfer table.


Search Character Count

The minimum number of characters you can enter in a search field, after which results appear.

By default, results appear after you enter at least three characters.


Search Delay

The number of seconds after which results are shown when you enter text in a search field.

By default, results appear only when you tap the search icon or, for some fields, as soon as you enter three characters.


Select Multiple Rows

Indicates whether you want to enable multiple row selection by adding a checkbox column to a table.

This setting overrides row and column click selection.

Possible values:

  • true - if checked

  • false - if cleared

Server-Side Pagination

Indicates whether you want to implement server-side pagination, including searching and sorting, for a table element.

Possible values:

  • true - if checked

  • false - if cleared

Show Column Data As Buttons

If you configure an On-Click action for the column, you can check this box to display data in each row of the column as a button.

Possible values:

  • true - if checked

  • false - if cleared

Show Selected

Indicates whether the selected value from a table configuration field is displayed at the heading of a table element.

For example, you can display the inventory status that you select from the table configuration.

Possible values:

  • true - if checked

  • false - if cleared

Standard Action

A standard action that you can clone and set up on the associated page element

<name of standard mobile action>

Sublist Name

The name of the sublist you want to associate with the field and store in a state. This configuration applies to page elements with the Field Name field, such as the dropdown element.

For example, in the dropdown element, you want to display the first names from the list of emergency contacts. You can enter the name of the emergency contact sublist in this field and configure the first name in the Field Name field.


Example: emergencycontact

Table Row Size

The number of rows that appear in a table.


Table Title Placeholder

The text you want to include in the title that describes the number of selected rows in the table.

This title is displayed only if you check the Select Multiple Rows setting.


You can enter the record type, transaction type, or other descriptive text.

For example, if you enter “sales order” in this field, the following title is shown above the table when 2 rows are selected: “2 Sales Orders Selected”.

Target URL

A single website address or link to a page or a file in your file cabinet. You can set this up with the Display Label.


Text Style

The font weight or size of text in a dynamic message.

Possible values:

  • Normal

  • Large

  • Bold

  • Large & Bold

Transfer Table settings:


  • Closed List Group Icon Path

The file cabinet path to the image that you want to appear for the open list group icon on a transfer table.

In Ship Central, a list group of cartons or pallets appears in the panel next to the right table.

file path

Example: ~/icons/OpenCartonIcon.svg

  • Column Location

The location of the column in a transfer table.

Possible values:

  • Left Table

  • Right Table

  • Left Table Title

The title or heading for the left side of a transfer table.


  • Message For Empty Left Table

The message you want to appear on the left table when it is empty or no data is shown.


  • Message For Empty Right Table

The message you want to appear on the right table when it is empty or no data is shown.


  • Open List Group Icon Path

The file cabinet path to the image that you want to appear for the closed list group icon on a transfer table.

In Ship Central, a list group of cartons or pallets appears in the panel next to the right table.

file path

Example: ~/icons/PackedCartonIcon.svg

  • Right Table Title

The title or heading for the right side of a transfer table.


Toggle Label

The toggle's label that you want to appear on a mobile page.


Toggle State

The setting for the toggle button that controls the visibility of the element, usually a data table.

Possible values:

  • Show – displays the toggle button on the mobile page

  • Hide - hides the toggle button from the mobile page

UOM settings:


  • Disable Condition for Quantity Only

The condition that determines the disable setting of the quantity subfield of a UOM element.

Possible values:

  • true

  • false or blank

  • an expression that evaluates to true or false

  • Disable Condition for Unit Only

The condition that determines the disable setting of the unit subfield of a UOM element.

Possible values:

  • true

  • false or blank

  • an expression that evaluates to true or false

  • UOM Item ID Key

The state path to the key that holds the internal ID of the item to which the unit is associate with.

state path

Example: state:dataRecord:poTable:item:itemId

  • UOM Item Unit Key

The state path to the key that holds the internal ID of the unit associated with the item.

state path

Example: state:dataRecord:poTable:item:unit

  • Minimum Value

The minimum positive value that you can enter in the associated quantity field.


  • Maximum Value

The maximum positive value that you can enter in the associated quantity field.


Visibility Condition

Indicates whether the element appears by default on a mobile page.

Possible values:

  • true - displays the page element

  • false - hides the page element

You can also enter a condition or expression that evaluates to true or false.

To configure mobile page elements:

  1. Using the Administrator role, go to Setup > Custom > Mobile - Applications.

  2. In the Mobile - Applications List, click View next to the mobile app that contains the page element.

  3. Access the mobile page element you want to configure by doing the following:


    If you want to update the same settings for page elements in a custom mobile process, see Customizing Mobile Page Elements. You can also access and update settings available to custom mobile processes only.

    1. In the Mobile - Process List, click Configure next to the standard mobile process.

    2. On the Mobile Configuration page, in the Page field, select a mobile page.

      In the Mobile Page section, the name and title of the page appear in their corresponding fields.

    3. On the Page Element subtab, in the Mobile Page Element field, select the page element.

      The list in this field contains the standard page elements that appear on the mobile page. It shows the name of the page element followed by the page element type.

  4. In the Element Settings section, set values in fields for the basic settings that you want to modify or enable. Then, to save the updates that you have made on the Page Element subtab, click Save.

    You can refer to the tables in this topic for the list of settings available for a page element.

    The following Mobile Customization topics contain guidelines for basic fields that you can also set in standard mobile processes:

  5. If you want to configure a table element or its subcomponents, you can do any of the following:

    1. In the Element Settings section, you can update the basic table settings.

    2. Depending on your table requirements, you can do any of the following:

      • To configure standard table columns, on the Table Columns subtab, in the Column field, select the column. In the Column Settings section, you can update the standard column settings.

      • To add columns to standard table elements, click the Custom Columns Configuration subtab. Refer to the instructions in this section, Adding Columns to Table Elements.

      • To configure the table configuration popup window, on the Table Configurations subtab, from the dropdown list, select a configuration. In the Configuration Settings section, you can update the standard settings.

        For more information about the Table Configuration popup window, see SCM Mobile Page Elements (Buttons, Fields, Tables).

      • To configure row colors, see Setting Up Table Row Colors.

    3. After you update the settings on a subtab, click Save.

  6. To add custom text boxes, dynamic fields, or dropdown fields to a mobile page, do the following:

    1. Click the Additional Page Elements subtab, and then next to the Configuration Page field, click the open Open icon.

    2. On the Mobile - Page page, click the Page Elements subtab, and then click New Mobile - Page Element.

    3. On the Mobile - Page Element page, set values for the basic settings such as the name and label of the new page element. Then, in the Type field, select one of the supported page element types: Text Box, Dynamic Text, or Drop Down.

      The Mobile - Page Element page contains the same settings for page elements that you can add to custom mobile processes. For more information about these settings, see Customizing Mobile Page Elements.

      You can watch the video posted in this topic, SCM Mobile App Configuration.

    4. To save the updates that you have made on this subtab, click Save.

  7. Based on your mobile app requirements, you can also do the following configurations:

  8. You can configure more page elements that belong to the same page or a different one. Make sure that you save all your updates before you switch to a different page or page element. After you complete all your configurations for a mobile process, click Save and Update App.

    Wait for the update to complete before you try to access the mobile app. To view your updates on the app, see SCM Mobile App Access.

  9. To apply configurations to the same app in another NetSuite account, see the following topics:

Related Topics

General Notices