Order Reservations

An order reservation enables you to set aside multiple sources of supply for a specific group of future demands. This helps you to ensure that supplies are saved for high priority customers. You can use order reservations to automatically save supplies for anticipated demand by item, location, a period, and a sales channel. You can further allocate supply on an order reservation to sales orders with the same channel only.

The allocated quantity on order reservations cannot be updated either in NetSuite or by CSV Import. Allocated quantity is updated only when you save a reservation, create a supply transaction, or run an allocation batch.

After a reservation is created, it must be approved. After it is approved, the reservation is effective until:

While the reservation is effective:

You can allocate channel sales orders based on what is set aside by channel order reservations. The order reservation can be automatically closed at its end date.

To define the timing of this background process, see Setting Demand Preferences for Supply Allocation.

To use order reservations:

  1. Go to Setup > Accounting > Accounting Preferences.

  2. On the Approval Routing subtab, check the Order Reservations box.

    When the box is clear, the order reservation is automatically approved.

  3. Click Save.

To create an order reservation saved search:

  1. Go to Lists > Search > Saved Searches > New.

  2. In the New Saved Search window, click Transaction.

  3. Complete the main section.

  4. In the Criteria tab Filter list, select Type.

  5. In the Saved Transaction Search popup window, select Order Reservation.

  6. Click Set.

  7. In the Results subtab Columns tab, select Title.

    Add more result fields as necessary.

  8. Click Save & Run.

    You can click Preview to view your results.

To enter an order reservation:

  1. Go to Transactions > Order Management > Enter Order Reservation.

  2. Complete the Primary Information section:

    The reservation ID field is automatically filled but you can enter a different number.

    1. Enter an order reservation Name.

    2. If it is available, select a Subsidiary.

    3. Select the Item you want to reserve supplies for.

    4. Select the Sales Channel associated with this item.

    5. Select the order reservation Location.

      The Order Priority is automatically populated based on the priority defined in the selected Sales Channel.

  3. Complete the Allocation Details section:

    1. Select an Order Allocation Strategy.

    2. To hold the supply quantity, check the Commitment Firm box.

    3. To define an effective date for the order reservation, enter Start and End Dates.

    4. To display current and future inventory allocated to demand through the reservation, enter the order reservation Transaction Date.

  4. Complete the Request Details section:

    1. Enter the Quantity of items you want to reserve.

      Allocated Demand supply lines display the current and future inventory allocated to demand through the reservation.

    2. Enter the number of Units to be reserved for this order.

      Allocated Supply demand lines display the quantity that is fulfilled by future supply or current inventory.

      Quantity Committed displays the current number of units committed to the reservation.

      Quantity Remaining – displays the remaining reservation quantity that is not allocated. This indicates how much more supply the reservation needs.

    3. If approval routing is enabled, select an Approval Status.

      Then select the Next Approver in the order reservation workflow.

    4. Enter the Target Quantity of items you want to reserve.

      Days Late displays how late receipt date is compared to the order reservation start date.

    5. To close the order reservation without reserving the item, check the Closed box.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Click the Supply Allocation subtab.

    When you have allocated inventory to an order reservation, this subtab displays the quantities committed and allocated:

    • Supply Type:

      • Purchase Order

      • Inventory

      • Inbound Shipment

      • Transfer Order

      • Blanket Purchase Order

      • Work Order

    • Supply Order number

    • Supply Order Status

    • Supply Source

    • Supply Quantity

    • Supply Receipt Date

    • Days Late – displayed if the receipt date is later than the order reservation start date.

    • Allocated – quantity allocated to the reservation.

    • Demand Type

    • Supply Required by Date

  7. Click the Fulfillment subtab.

    When a sales order is partially or fully fulfilled, the fulfillment details appear on this subtab.

    • Fulfillment Number

    • Transaction Date

    • Type – fulfillment type

    • Fulfillment Status – picked, packed, or shipped.

    • Quantity – the fulfilled and allocated quantity are both counted toward the reservation quantity.

    After a sales order is partly allocated by an order reservation and then fulfilled at full quantity, the list of fulfilled sales orders updates.

To approve an order reservation:

  1. Go to Transactions > Order Management > Approve Order Reservations.

  2. On the Approve Order Reservation page, use the filters to refine your order reservation results:

    The default is View.

    1. Select the Item, or items, you want to approve.

    2. Select a Subsidiary.

    3. Select a Location.

    4. Select a Sales Channel.

    5. Select a Start Date.

    6. Enter From and To dates.

  3. To approve an order reservations, check the Select box beside the order reservation, or reservations.

    Clear the box to not approve a reservation.

  4. Click Submit.

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General Notices