Specifying Location Type and Store Opening Date

To be included as a store by the Same-Store Sales Report SuiteApp, a Location must have Store selected in Location Type and a specified store opening date. You must specify these on every Location record that you want to be included as a store in the report. The SuiteApp will exclude from the report the Locations without these values specified.

The SuiteApp considers the Location as a store, whose sales will be referenced if that store is included in the report.

To specify Location Type and Same-Store Sales Opening Date:

  1. Go to Setup > Company > Classifications > Locations.

  2. Click the Edit link of the Location that you want to include as a store in the Same-Store Sales Report.

  3. In the Location Type field, select Store.

  4. In the Same-Store Sales Open Date field, specify a date.

    The specified date will be referenced by the Days Excluded After Store Opening Date field, in Same-Store Sales Preferences, to calculate the store eligibility date. The store eligibility date is the Same-Store Open Date plus the Days Excluded After Store Opening Date.

    Alternatively, if you do not want to use the Same-Store Sales Open Date field because you already specified the store opening date in another similar date field, then do the following:

    1. Get the ID of the field (from its Field Level Help) where you specified the store open date:

      1. Go to Setup > Same-Store Sales > Preferences.

      2. Enter the field ID in the Store Opening Date Field ID.

      3. Click Save.

      After saving, Same-Store Sales Open Date field is not displayed on the Location record anymore.

    2. To display the Same-Store Sales Open Date field again:

      1. Go to Setup > Same-Store Sales > Preferences.

      2. Click in the Store Opening Date Field ID field, but leave it blank.

        The system gets Field ID of the default field, Same Store Sales Open Date.

      3. Click Save.

    Return to the Location record where the field is now displayed.

  5. Click Save.

General Notices