
An employee record exposes an employee to REST web services.

This record:

The REST API Browser includes information about the field names and field types of the employee record, and about the HTTP methods, request parameters, and operations available to this record. For details, see the REST API Browser’s employee reference page.

For information about using the REST API Browser, see The REST API Browser.

Record ID

The record ID for the employee REST record is employee.


You must enable the Advanced Employee Permissions feature, the Employee Record, the Perform Search, the SuiteAnalytics Workbook, and SuiteScript before you can use this record through REST web services.

Inaccessible Elements

The following sublists are not accessible through REST web services:

  • hcmposition

  • usernotes

The following fields are not accessible through REST web services:

  • adpwarining

  • billpay

  • directdeposit

  • hasshippingaddress

  • jurisdictionschool

  • origbinactive

  • origgiveaccess

  • origsubstatus

  • roleforsearch

  • shipaddr1

  • shipaddr2

  • shipaddr3

  • shipaddressee

  • shipattention

  • shipcity

  • shipcountry

  • shipstate

  • shipzip

  • unsubscribe

Elements with Different Functionality

The following sublists have different functionality through REST web services:

  • directdepositlist

  • jurisdictionhist

  • roles

The following fields have different functionality through REST web services:

  • adipid

  • altname

  • autoname

  • changedetails

  • conflictresults

  • customform

  • defaytkaddress

  • defaultbillingaddress

  • defaultshippingaddress

  • effectivedatemode

  • empcenterqty

  • emplcenterqtymax

  • employeechangereason

  • entitynumber

  • fulluserqty

  • fulluserqtymax

  • image

  • isempcenterqtyenforced

  • isfulluserqtyenforced

  • isretailuserqtyenforced

  • jurisdictioncounty

  • jurisdictionfederal

  • jurisdictionhist

  • jurisdictionstate

  • password

  • password2

  • phoneticname

  • requiredpwdchange

  • retailuserqty

  • retailuserqtymax

  • sendemail

  • socialsecuritynumber

  • terminationbydeath

  • wasempcenterhasaccess

  • wasfulluserhasaccess

  • wasinactive

  • wasretailuserhasaccess


The employee record has the following actions through REST web services:

  • Delete

  • Save As

  • Save & New

  • Save & Next

  • Save

  • Reset

  • Customize Form

  • New Field

Elements Related to Taxation Features


REST web services do not support legacy tax features. To work with taxation through REST web services, you must have the SuiteTax feature enabled. For more information about using SuiteTax, see SuiteTax.

The edition field is related to the ADVTAXENGINE feature.

This following fields are related to the ANYPAYROLL feature:

  • jurisdictioncounty

  • jusdictionfederal

  • jursidictionhist

  • jursidictionlocal

  • jurisdictionstate

  • lastpaiddate

  • payfrequency

  • useperquest

  • usetimedate

  • workplace

  • adpwarning

  • accruedtime

  • companycontribution

  • deduction

  • earning

  • emptaxoptions

Additional Details

The employee record is complex because it is integrated with many features.

Some elements of the employee form behave differently when accessed through REST web services.

Code Sample

The following code shows how to create a new employee record:

            POST https://123456.suitetalk.api.netsuite.com/services/rest/record/v1/employee
{ "firstName": "TEST FIRSTNAME", "lastName": "TEST LASTNAME", "subsidiary": {"id":"1"}


The following code shows how to update an employee’s last name:

            PATCH https://123456.suitetalk.api.netsuite.com/services/rest/record/v1/employee/{id}
{ "lastName": "NEW LASTNAME"


Related Topics

General Notices