Resolving Invalid Information

This section refers to resolving the failure to generate the PT SAF-T file because some required information entered are not valid.

Resolving Invalid VAT Registration Number

You must check if the VAT registration number entered on your Portugal subsidiary record is valid according to standards and in the correct format.

To resolve invalid VAT registration number:

  1. Go to Setup > Company > Classifications > Subsidiaries.

  2. Click Edit next to your Portugal subsidiary name.

  3. In the VAT Registration No. field, enter or edit the entry so that the number is between 100000000 and 999999999 (inclusive of both numbers).

  4. Click Save.

Resolving Invalid Commercial Registration Number

If the commercial registration number is missing or entered in the wrong format, the PT SAF-T file cannot be generated successfully. You must fill-in this information on the commercial registration number record provided by the Portugal Localization SuiteApp, and enter only numeric characters. For more information, see Entering Commercial Registration Information.

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