Dynamic Default Values in Custom Segments Example

You can use sourcing to create a dynamic default on a filtered segment. The steps in this example outline how you can set up a state to filter by city on a sales order. Then when you enter the city name on a sales order, the state fills in automatically.

To complete the steps in this example, you’ll need to create custom segments. For more information, see Creating a Custom Segment.

Complete the following steps

  1. Creating a Custom Segment Type that Determines the Dynamic Default Value.

  2. Creating a Custom Segment Type that Displays the Dynamic Default Value.

  3. Setting Dynamic Default Values.

  4. Using the Segments on a Transaction Form.

Creating a Custom Segment Type that Determines the Dynamic Default Value

Create the custom segment whose value is used to determine the dynamic default value of another field. In this example, the custom segment is for the name of the city and is used to determine the default state name.

To create the segment:

  1. Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Custom Segments > New.

  2. In the Label field, enter the name of the segment, for example, City.

  3. Complete the fields, as required.

  4. Select the Application & Sourcing subtab. Then select the Transactions subtab.

  5. Under the Application subheading, check the box beside the transactions you want to apply this segment to. For this example, check the Sales Transactions box.

  6. Click Save.

Creating a Custom Segment Type that Displays the Dynamic Default Value

Create the custom segment whose value dynamically displays in the field based on the value entered in the custom segment field created in the preceding procedure. In this example, the custom segment is for the name of the state, and it will automatically appear based on the city name entered.

To create the segment:

  1. Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Custom Segments > New.

  2. In the Label field, enter the name of the segment, for example, State.

  3. Complete the fields, as required.

  4. Select the Application & Sourcing subtab. Then select the Transactions subtab

  5. In the Application field group, check the box beside the transactions you want to apply this segment to. For this example, check the Sales Transactions box.

  6. In the Source List field, select the label of the first custom segment created. For this example, select City.

  7. A message appears informing you that setting the source list (custom segment) requires the system to apply the segment to the record type. To proceed, click OK.

  8. Click Save.

Setting Dynamic Default Values

After the segments are created, you must set the default values for custom segment values. For example, if you want a value for state to dynamically display when a specific city is entered in the City field, you set this up on the City entry form.

To set the dynamic default values for a segment:

  1. Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Record Types.

  2. Locate the custom record that is associated with the City segment that you created and click List.

  3. To create a new record, click New. To edit an existing record, click Edit.

  4. If this is a new record, in the Name field, enter the name of the city.

  5. In the State field, enter the state. When the city name specified is entered on a sales order, the state name set up here appears automatically in the State field.

  6. Click Save.

Using the Segments on a Transaction Form

You can now use the segments you created to fill in values dynamically on sales forms. In this example, when you create a new sales order, the newly-created segments appear on the Custom subtab of the sales order. When you enter a city name, the state automatically fills in with the state that you specified in the dynamic defaulting setup in the preceding procedure.

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