SMT Image Compression

Images can be compressed to decrease the page load time and bandwidth consumption. There are four levels of image quality with increasing levels of compression. Typically, the decrease in quality is unnoticeable to viewers. The quality levels are:

For website images, such as banners, logos, and promotional images, compression is managed at the website level or folder level. The advantage of applying compression to a folder rather than website is that you can apply different compression settings for different images on your site. Subfolders inherit the compression settings of parents, and parent settings supersede those of subfolders.

If you define compression settings at the website level, the settings only apply when images are accessed from the website. However, if settings are defined at the folder level, then compression settings apply regardless of from where the image was accessed. For example, website-level compression settings do not apply when images are accessed from SCIS, but folder-level settings do apply.

Image compression creates a compressed copy of the image the first time it is accessed and does not alter the original image. The compressed image is cached internally or on the CDN if a CDN is enabled. See CDN Caching for more information.

Which Images Get Compressed?

When you define compression settings on a folder or website, images must meet certain criteria to be compressed. Image compression applies to images that are:

  • JPG files. Other formats are not compressed.

  • Between 500 kb and 5 mb. Images outside the range are not compressed.

  • Stored in the File Cabinet. Images stored outside of NetSuite and linked to on your website cannot be compressed.

  • Not item images. Item images are compressed when they are resized regardless of other compression settings applied to the website or folder. See Image Resizing and Compression for more details. This topic applies to all other types of images.

Image compression can optionally reduce file size further with two additional settings:

To set up image compression for a website:

  1. Go to Commerce > Websites > Website List.

  2. Click Edit next to the website you want to modify.

  3. Go to the Images subtab.

  4. Check the Compress All Website Images box to turn on compression for all images on the website that meet the compression criteria.

  5. Select the compression level from the Compressed Image Quality field.

  6. Check the Strip Metadata box (optiona).

  7. Check the Chroma Subsampling box (optional).

  8. Click Save.

To set up image compression for a folder:

  1. Go to Documents > Files > File Cabinet.

  2. Go to the folder you want to modify and click Edit.

  3. Go to the Hosted Images Compression subtab.

  4. Check the Compress Website Images box to turn on compression for all images in the folder that meet the compression criteria.

  5. Select the compression level from the Compressed Image Quality field.

  6. Check the Strip Metadata box (optional).

  7. Check the Chroma Subsampling box (optional).

  8. Click Save.

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