Specifying Reporting Preferences for Depreciable Asset Tax Report

Reporting Preferences enable you to specify required information for processing the Depreciable Tax Asset Reports such as the Report Folder, Asset Report File Name and Tax report File Name.

To specify Reporting Preferences:

  1. Go to Depreciable Assets > Setup > Reporting Preferences.

  2. On the Reporting Preferences page, do the following:

    • Report Folder – In this field, specify the path of the report folder you created in Documents > Files > SuiteScripts > DATR. Generated fixed asset reports will be stored in this folder.

    • Asset Report File Name – In this field, you can change the text ‘Depreciable Asset All Asset’. But you cannot edit the other text indicating ‘reportingyear’, municipalname, ‘date’ and ‘time’, although you can delete any of them or change their order. These texts must be in between two pound (#) signs.

    • Tax Report File Name – In this field, you can change the text ‘Depreciable Asset Tax Report’. But you cannot edit the other text indicating ‘reportingyear’, municipalname, ‘date’ and ‘time’, although you can delete any of them or change their order. These texts must be in between two pound (#) signs.

  3. Click Save.

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