Creating Depreciable Asset Records from FAM Asset Records

Depreciable asset records are the records that the SuiteApp references to generate the depreciable asset report and tax report. Depreciable asset records are created from Asset records of the Fixed Assets Management (FAM) SuiteApp.

The Administrator and DATR Custom Role can create depreciable asset records.


Before creating a depreciable asset record, you must have specified Municipal Information first, because the subsidiary of Municipal Information must be the same as that of the FAM asset record that the depreciable asset record will be created from.

To create Depreciable Asset Records:

  1. Go to Fixed Assets > Lists > Assets.

  2. On the FAM Asset List page, click the View link of the fixed asset record that you want to create a depreciable asset record from.

  3. On the FAM Asset record page, click Create Depreciable Asset.

    The newly created depreciable asset record is displayed with required fields automatically filled out with corresponding details.


    After the depreciable asset record is created, the Create Depreciable Asset button is no longer displayed on the source FAM record. The FAM record will also display the Link to Depreciable Asset field, indicating a link to the newly created depreciable asset record.

  4. On the DATR Depreciable Asset page, click Save.

Depreciable asset records will be referenced by the Japan Fixed Assets Reports SuiteApp to generate the reports.

General Notices