Specifying Reporting Information about Japan Subsidiaries

Information about depreciable asset tax can be specified on the Reporting Information page. The information will be sourced and used by the Japan Fixed Assets Reports.

To specify Reporting Information about a Japan subsidiary:

  1. Go to Depreciable Assets > Setup > Reporting Information.

  2. Click Reporting Info.

  3. On the Reporting Information page, you can optionally enter information in the following fields:

    • Address (Postal Code)

    • Address (Kana)

    • Address (Kanji)

    • Phone

    • Name (Kana)

    • Name (Kanji)

    • Name of Representative

    • DBA Name

    • Corporate Seal

    • Enterprise Number

    • Business Type

    • Capital (M JPY)

    • Date of Business Commencement

  4. Click Save.


With OneWorld, if you go to Depreciable Assets > Lists > Reporting Information > New, a page is displayed with an Invalid Data banner. Follow the instructions on the page banner.

General Notices