Sync Checklist

To make sure you have configured NSPB Sync properly, you can use a checklist of tasks to help you quickly set up any missing features. To access the checklist, go to Planning & Budgeting > Setup > Sync Checklist. You need to complete each task on the checklist. You can also use this checklist to validate your current NSPB Sync setup.

For details on the checklist, refer to the following table:

NetSuite Column Label



The list of NSPB Sync features to configure.


The configuration status for each feature can be one of the following:

  • If configured correctly, the feature is denoted with a green check mark icon A green tick icon.

  • If not configured, or configured incorrectly, the feature is denoted with a red cross icon A red cross icon.

  • Features where you should check the configuration are denoted with a dash A dash icon.


Clicking the View link for each feature takes you to the page where you can configure the feature.


This column shows relevant information about what you need to do to configure a particular NSPB Sync feature properly.

For your convenience, you can access the checklist also through the NSPB Sync Checklist Portlet.

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