NetSuite SKU and Storefront SKU in NetSuite Connector

SKUs (Stock Keeping Unit) are used by storefronts to identify items. During product sync, NetSuite Connector uses the SKU as unique identifier to match items in the storefront to the corresponding item in NetSuite. The SKU value on an item record is stored on a field in NetSuite and this field needs to be defined in the Product Mappings. When NetSuite Connector retrieves an item from NetSuite, it uses the value in the mapped SKU field to find a matching item in the storefront. This requires the SKU values to uniquely match, one-to-one, between the storefront and NetSuite.

It is important for the product field SKU to be properly defined in both product mappings and order mappings. The best practice is to ensure that the defined fields for the SKU values match in both the order mappings and the product mappings. The SKU field is usually mapped to itemId. However, use of the following fields has also been observed:

Custom fields can also be used. See the following sections for the procedures on setting and verifying the SKU field:

General Notices