Integrating NetSuite Connector with Magento 2

To connect your Magento 2 account to NetSuite Connector, you must fill out the credentials on your Magento 2 connector's Credentials page in NetSuite Connector.


Note: if you are using a firewall for your Magento 2 account, you must disable it so that NetSuite Connector can connect with Magento 2.

To specify Magento 2 Connector Credentials

  1. Log in to NetSuite Connector.

  2. Go to Settings > Credentials.

  3. On the Credentials page, in the Magento 2 Username field, enter your username.

  4. In the Magento 2 Password field, enter your password.

    The username and password will be credentials of the Magento 2 Administrator User account that can use to connect NetSuite Connector to Magento 2.

  5. In the Magento 2 Endpoint field, enter the URL of your site.

  6. If your Magento 2 account uses two-factor authentication (2FA), in the Magento 2 Uses 2FA field, select On; otherwise, select Off.

  7. (Optional) If you are using 2FA, in the Magento 2 Secret Key field, enter the secret key that you used when setting up 2FA for Magento 2 for the first time.

    If you are using an existing Magento 2 administrator user, you can reset your 2FA for the user.

    The Magneto 2 Secret Key is a string of text displayed on the 2FA setup screen. It is only displayed one time, and after a new user is created, if 2FA is enabled for the Magento 2 store. The first time the user tries to log in, a message is displayed instructing to set up 2FA. The user will also receive an email with a link that opens a screen showing a QR code to be scanned. The screen also displays the Magento 2 Secret Key. This key must be copied and entered on the NetSuite Connector Magento 2 credentials page. This is the case if you are using Google Authenticator, but this may be different if you are using a different authenticator.

  8. Click Save and Test Connection.

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