Integrating NetSuite Connector with Shopify

Use the following procedure to access Shopify account.

Before proceeding, make sure you have added the Shopify connector to your account. To add a new connector, contact your NetSuite account manager.

To access Shopify account :

  1. Log in to

  2. Select the Shopify connector and account from the left menu.

  3. Go to Settings > Credentials.

  4. In the Shopify Shop Name field, enter the name of your shop.


    Shop name is the name that goes in the URL https://[yourshopname] Do not enter the full URL in the field, enter the shop name portion of the URL.

  5. Click Save Settings.

  6. Click Authorize Account.

    You will be navigated to Shopify website. Follow the instructions on Shopify site and when done you should get a success message in NetSuite Connector. If you get a failure message, contact NetSuite Support.

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