Subtracting Backordered Quantities for Multiple Locations in NetSuite Connector

By default, NetSuite Connector does not consider backordered quantity when syncing inventory from multiple locations. For example, assume there are two syncing locations A and B. An item has 19 backordered quantity with 0 available quantity at location A, and 1 backordered with 25 available at location B. NetSuite Connector syncs 25 as the quantity for the item. You can also set NetSuite Connector to subtract the sum of backordered quantities from the sum of the available quantities and sync 5 quantity. Use the following procedure to control the behavior of subtracting backordered quantities.

To subtract backordered quantity when syncing multiple locations:

  1. Log in to

  2. Select the connector and the relevant account.

  3. Go to Mappings > Products.

  4. Perform one of the following actions:

    • For marketplace connectors like Amazon or Walmart, from the Category list, select the category where your current inventory mapping resides.

    • For other connectors, from the Select Sync Type field, select Price/Quantity Only or Full Product.

  5. From the product mappings list, locate the inventory mapping, and click Special Mapping – Click to Edit.

    The inventory mapping window opens.


    If you do not see the inventory field or the field that storefront uses for inventory , click Add Mapping and add the field to your mapping.

  6. Check the Subtract Backordered Quantity At Selected Locations From Total box.

  7. Click Save Changes.

  8. Click Save.

    NetSuite Connector reduces the quantity synced from your locations by the sum of the backordered quantities from those locations.

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