Testing NetSuite Connector Fulfillment Sync

After verifying the order in NetSuite and marketplace or cart, you must fulfill the order in NetSuite and sync the fulfillment information back to your marketplace or cart.


If you are using a 3PL connector with NetSuite Connector, you should fulfill the order using your 3PL. If you do not use a 3PL connector, you must manually fulfill the order in NetSuite. As soon as fulfilled in NetSuite, the fulfillment data will be returned to the order source.


If you will perform fulfillment order syncs using a 3PL connector, you must first complete the steps for activating or preparing 3PL sync. For more information, see NetSuite Connector 3PL Sync Test Prerequisites. After activating or preparing your 3PL, you can perform the step 1 in the following procedure, but you must skip step 2.

The following steps must only be completed if you are NOT integrating or using a 3PL connector with your order sync.

To sync fulfillment:

  1. Fulfill the order on NetSuite.

    1. Go to the Item Fulfillment page for the order you want to sync. Depending on how you fulfill orders, there are several ways to open the page. For more information see Fulfilling Orders.

    2. On the Item Fulfillment page, go to the Packages subtab.

    3. In the Package Tracking Number field, enter the tracking number. Adding the tracking number ensures that it appears on the storefront and other locations where the order appears.

    4. Click Save.

  2. After the order is fulfilled with a tracking number in NetSuite, you must upload the fulfillment to your marketplace or cart from the NetSuite Connector dashboard:

    1. Log in to NetSuite Connector.

    2. On the panel, select the relevant connector or account and click Data Flows > Orders.

    3. Locate the order you fulfilled. Click the pencil icon under the Action menu and then click Upload Shipment from NetSuite.

After the fulfillment is synced, the order status is automatically set to Complete. Information about the item fulfillment record, such as shipping method and tracking number, are also synced on the marketplace or cart.

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