Including Period End Journals in France FEC

To include period end journal entries in the FEC report, do the following:

To configure France subsidiary settings:

  1. On the France subsidiary record, click Subsidiary Settings on the top-right corner of the page.

  2. On the Period End Journal Entries subtab, check the Enable Period End Journal Entries box.

  3. Check the Create Balance Sheet Closing and Opening Journals box:

    • In the Balance Sheet Closing Account field, select a Closing Balance Balance Sheet account.

    • In the Balance Sheet Opening Account field, select an Opening Balance Balance Sheet account.

  4. Check the Create Income Summary Journals box.

    • In the Income Summary Profit Account field, select the account with number prefix of 12.

    • In the Income Summary Loss Account field, select the account with number prefix of 129.

  5. Click Save.

To set the FEC reporting preferences:

  1. Go to Setup > Tax Reporting > Tax Reporting Preferences.

  2. On the Period Filters subtab, set the Reporting Frequency of FEC Data Extract to Annually.

  3. Go to the Tax Audit Files Filters subtab.

  4. On the Include Period End Journal Entries column, check any or all three boxes depending on your preference.

    • Balance Sheet Closing Entries – If checked, the FEC report includes balance sheet closing journals that posted balances to the Closing Balance Balance Sheet account.

    • Balance Sheet Opening Entries – If checked, the FEC report also includes balance sheet sheet opening journals that post to the Opening Balance Balance Sheet account.

    • Income Statement Closing Entries – If checked, the FEC report shows income summary journals that are posted to your chosen profit or loss account.

  5. Click Save.

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