France FEC Data Extract


Starting from December 7, 2021, the file name of the generated FEC Data Extract includes your company’s SIREN and the last day of the Fiscal Year in YYYYMMDD format. Owing to this change, FEC files generated prior to this date will no longer be accessible. You will have to generate those files again.

The following table describes the generated data when you download the FEC Data Extract:


Source Field


Short name of transaction type.

For custom transactions, this field displays the short name of the custom transaction type and the internal ID of the transaction record.


Long name of transaction type.

For custom transactions, this field displays the custom transaction type name.


To have the custom transaction type names in French, you must enter the French translations on the France Localization Configuration page. For more information, see Configuring France Localization SuiteApp Features.


GL Number column on the GL Impact subtab of the transaction record.


Date of the transaction.


Account number on the account record, or the localized number if you selected an accounting context on the Country Tax Report page.


Account name on the account record, or the localized name if you selected an accounting context on the Country Tax Report page.


The localized account name and number for the CompteLib and CompteNum fields depend on the accounting context selected on the Country Tax Report page when you generated the FEC file. The accounting context selected on the Set Preferences page in your NetSuite account does not affect the CompteNum and CompteLib fields.


Only available if CompteNum and CompteLib fields indicate Accounts Payables (A/P) or Accounts Receivables (A/R) account types.

This shows the ID that identifies a customer or vendor. The IDs it displays are the:

  • Customer ID or Vendor ID (set using the Auto-Generated Numbering feature), if the Use Vendor/Customer ID for FEC CompAuxNum Field box on the France Localization Configuration page is checked.

  • Internal ID of the customer, or vendor record if using the Vendor or Customer ID is not preferred.

For more information, see Configuring France Localization SuiteApp Features.

If the account type is not A/P or A/R, this field is blank.


Only available if CompteNum and CompteLib fields indicate Accounts Payables (A/P) or Accounts Receivables (A/R) account types.

  • For customer transactions: Customer Name

  • For vendor transactions: Vendor Name

If the account type is not A/P or A/R, this field is blank.


Document number, or transaction number, or N/A, if not applicable.


Document date.


For journal entries (JE):

  • Transaction type, transaction number, and the entry in the Memo field on the Primary Information subtab (line memo field entry is not used), if available.

For transactions other than JE:

  • Transaction type (or custom transaction name for nonstandard transactions) and document number.

  • If the document number is not available (especially for transactions created before the France Localization SuiteApp is installed), the transaction type name (or custom transaction name for nonstandard transactions) and the transaction number are displayed.


For the French translations of the custom transactions to be applied in EcritureLib, you will need to deploy a script. For more information, see Deploying a Script to Apply French Translations of Custom Transactions.


Debit amount on the GL Impact subtab of the transaction record.


Credit amount on the GL Impact subtab of the transaction record.


Displays blank.


Displays blank.


Date when the GL Audit Numbering was run. The time zone on the subsidiary record is used as basis for determining the date.


Only filled in when the transaction is in foreign currency (FX).

Displays the amount in FX with negative sign for credit entries, and positive sign for debit entries.


Only filled in when the transaction is in foreign currency (FX).

Displays the ISO code of the FX used.


Transaction-level (bill or invoice) Establishment Code field on the France Tax Reporting subtab.

If this information is empty, the FEC file will not display this field.

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