Localization Record Context Field Management (LRCFM)

The Localization record context field management system enables you to hide the fields, sublists, sublist columns on a record opened based on the localization context.


LRCFM hides the fields, sublists, sublist columns on a record if the localization context does not match.

The Localization Assistant SuiteApp supports the LRCFM feature. You or your developers can apply the filters of the localization record context to the workflows of different countries.

Implementation of LRCFM by Localization Assistant SuiteApp

A custom user event script is setup in the Localization Assistant SuiteApp. When a supported record is updated, the BeforeLoad user event script is triggered by the LRC Field Manager Plug-in type. For more information on the supported records, refer to Records Supporting LRCFM by Localization Assistant SuiteApp

The LRC Field Manager Plug-in hides the fields, sublists, sublist columns with internal Ids mentioned in the plug-in implementation.

The following image displays the flow of the plug-in implementation:


Advantages of Record Localization Context

The advantages of using the Localization Assistant SuiteApp for Record Localization Context are as follows:

Records Supporting LRCFM by Localization Assistant SuiteApp

The following records support the LRCFM feature by Localization Assistant SuiteApp:


The Localization Assistant SuiteApp is mandatory for localization SuiteApps that use the record localization context in country-specific workflows. For more information about Record Localization Context, see Record Localization Context Overview.

Creating LRCFM Plug-in Implementation

You must create a plug-in implementation for the LRC field manager plug-in type for each localization country.

The following is a sample script of Mexico Localization that you can use as a reference in creating your own script file:

* @NApiVersion 2.x
* @NScriptType plugintypeimpl
define([], function() {
      function addUIElementsForManagement(obj) {
              return {
                      country: 'MX',
                      fields: [{
                      sublists: ['recmachcustrecord_lrc_test_link_mx_entity', 'recmachcustrecord_lrc_test_link_mx_item'],
                      sublistColumns: [{
      return {
              addUIElementsForManagement: addUIElementsForManagement


The parameters of this script are listed in the following table:







This parameter refers to the code of the localization country for which the plug-in implementation is created.

Example: MX, US, CA



Array of Objects

This parameter refers to the list of field Ids required to be hidden if the localization context does not match.



Array of Strings

This parameter refers to an array having the list of sublist's Ids that belong to the selected localization country.



Array of Objects

This parameter refers to an array of objects with the following parameters:

  • Id

  • ColumnsIDs




This parameter refers to the Id of the sublist on which the sublist column is displayed.



Array of Strings

This parameter refers to the column Ids for the given sublist.



If there is no sublist mentioned in the script, then you must not delete the sublist. You must identify the sublist as an empty parameter. This rule also applies for fields and sublistscolums parameters.

To create LRC field manager plug-in implementation:

  1. Go to Customization > Plug-ins > Plug-in Implementations > New.

  2. Create a JavaScript file using the sample script.

  3. Select the JavaScript file you created from the Script File field

    and click Create Plug-in Implementation.

  4. Select the LRC Field Manager Plug-in Type from the Select Plug-in Type record.

  5. Type the information in the required fields on the Plug-in Implementation record.

  6. Click Save.

Displaying the Fields Hidden by LRCFM

You can display the fields that are hidden by LRCFM by using the following sample client script.


The following sample client script is used by Mexico Localization SuiteApp for the custom field custitem_lrc_test_mx_item_fld applied to a Non-Inventory record. On any field change, you can display the hidden fields by deploying the following sample script.

* @NApiVersion 2.x
* @NScriptType ClientScript
         function(record) {
                function localizationContextEnter( scriptContext ) {
                         var value = scriptContext.currentRecord.getValue({
                         var fieldObj = scriptContext.currentRecord.getField({
                                fieldId :'custitem_lrc_test_mx_item_fld'
                        fieldObj.isDisplay = true;

                function localizationContextExit(scriptContext) {
                         var value= scriptContext.currentRecord.getValue({
                                 fieldId :'custitem_lrc_test_mx_item_fld'
                         var fieldObj = scriptContext.currentRecord.getField({
                                 fieldId :'custitem_lrc_test_mx_item_fld'
                         fieldObj.isDisplay = false;
                return {


For more information on deploying a client script for a specific country, see Using the Context Filtering Tab


When you uninstall the Localization Assistant SuiteApp, the connection between the plug-in implementation and the Localization Assistant SuiteApp breaks.

Even if you reinstall the Localization Assistant SuiteApp, the plug-in implementation does not connect with the Localization SuiteApp automatically. You must manually create the plug-in implementations again to connect with the Localization SuiteApp. To do this, see Creating LRCFM Plug-in Implementation

General Notices