Reloading List Values for Order Mappings in NetSuite Connector

When you add new values to lists in NetSuite, they are not immediately updated in NetSuite Connector. For example, you might want to add a new department, location or sales representative. For these new values to be available in NetSuite Connector, you will need to reload all list values from NetSuite.

To reload NetSuite list values:

  1. Log in to

  2. Select the connector and relevant account.

  3. Go to Mappings > Orders.

  4. Under the Order, Order Item or Customer pages, click Reload NetSuite Lists. This will load the values of NetSuite lists including built-in lists such as classes and locations and any custom lists you've defined.

  5. A banner message will display at the top of the screen after the reload is successful. Refresh your browser page to see the newly added list values.

Related Topics

NetSuite Connector Order Sync Management
Order Mappings in NetSuite Connector
Troubleshooting Order or Fulfillment Sync Errors in NetSuite Connector
NetSuite Connector Order Sync FAQ

General Notices