Installing Allergen Statements

Only users with the Administrator role or the SuiteApp Marketplace permission can install the SuiteApp. The following are the bundle details:

For more information about installing a bundle, see Installing a Bundle.


Allergen Statement is a managed SuiteApp that automatically updates whenever enhancements or new features are added.

Prerequisites for the Allergen Statements SuiteApp

The Allergen Statements SuiteApp is developed and tested for use primarily with NetSuite OneWorld.

To use the Allergen Statements SuiteApp, an administrator must enable the following features on the SuiteCloud subtab on the Enable Features page:

  • Custom Records

  • Advanced PDF/HTML Templates

  • Client SuiteScript

  • Server SuiteScript

For more information about enabling features, see Enabling Features.

Supported Browsers for the Allergen Statements SuiteApp

The Allergen Statements SuiteApp supports the following browsers and operating systems:



Google Chrome 71 or newer

  • Windows 10

  • Windows 8.x

  • Windows 7

Microsoft Edge (Anniversary Update and later)

Windows 10 (Anniversary Update)

Mozilla Firefox 60 or newer

  • Windows 10

  • Windows 8.x

  • Windows 7

  • Windows Vista

Roles for the Allergen Statements SuiteApp

Administrators can create new roles or customize roles for using the Allergen Statements SuiteApp.

For more information, see Assigning Roles to an Employee and Customizing or Creating NetSuite Roles.

The following table provides minimum access levels for different record types required to use the SuiteApp.


Minimum Access Level

Lists > Custom Record Entries


Lists > Documents and Files


Lists > Items


Lists > Perform Search


Setup > Set Up Company


Related Topics

General Notices