Updating the Taxpayer Branch Code

When the Southeast Asia Localization SuiteApp is installed in your account, the Taxpayer Branch Code field is added to the location record of companies or subsidiaries with a Philippines nexus.

The branch code is your assigned 3 to 5-digit number that is suffixed to your 9-digit Tax Identification Number (TIN) issued by the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR). As required by BIR, the taxpayer branch code must be unique per location or subsidiary, whichever is applicable to your account. In compliance with BIR requirements, the taxpayer branch code must appear in printed transactions that use Philippines invoicing templates.

For NetSuite OneWorld users with multiple locations, the Head Office taxpayer branch code is set to 000. If you use a location with a different branch code when creating transactions, the taxpayer branch code in that location's record is indicated in the document.

For example, selecting Subsidiary A with 123-456-789-000 as TIN and using Location A with 1111 as taxpayer branch code will show the branch code as 123-456-789-1111 in the document.

To update the Taxpayer Branch Code:

  1. Go to Setup > Company > Classifications > Locations. Then, click the Edit link of the Philippines location you want to update.

  2. On the Locations page, click the Philippines Invoicing subtab.

  3. On the Philippines Invoicing subtab, click the Document Setup subtab.

  4. In the Taxpayer Branch Code, enter the 3 to 5-digit branch code for the location.

  5. Click Save.

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