Creating Alternative Tax Codes


This content is relevant for accounts without SuiteTax only.

Most NetSuite Tax Codes are exclusive to either sales or purchase transactions. However, some are available for both sales and purchase transaction. These can no longer be mapped to Standard Tax Codes directly, but need to be divided into two Alternative Tax Codes, one each for sales and purchase. Before mapping the Alternative Tax Codes, you will need to create them first.

To create Alternative Tax Codes

  1. Go to Setup > Tax Audit Files > Audit Files Field Mapping.

  2. In the Category field, select NO-SAFT: Standard Tax Codes.

  3. In the Subsidiary field, select a Norwegian subsidiary.

  4. Click the Create Alternative Tax Codes button.

  5. In the Alternative Tax Code field, enter the name of the Alternative Tax Code you want to create

  6. In the Tax Code field list, select the NetSuite Tax Code you want to create an Alternative Tax Code for.


    Be sure to select a tax code available for both sales and purchase transactions.

  7. In the Alternative Tax Code Description, enter the description that will help you with identification.

  8. In the Alternative Tax Code Transaction Type list, choose the transaction type you are creating the tax code for.

  9. Click Save.

  10. Repeat the previous procedure to create a second Alternative Tax Code for the same NetSuite Tax Code. In step 8, if you created the previous tax code for the Purchase transaction type, select Sales for the second one.

  11. After the Alternative Tax Codes are created, you will be able to see and map them to Standard Tax Codes in Setup > Tax Audit Files > Audit Files Field Mapping.


    Reload the Audit Files Field Mapping page to update the list of tax codes available.

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