Validation Error Messages for Invalid Values

All of the following error messages are preceded by: Custom GL Lines Plugin error due to a failed validation of script output:

Error Message


Preferred Action

Custom segment {script ID of custom segment} is invalid. Possible causes:

  • The Custom Segments feature is not enabled

  • Custom segment does not exist

  • Custom segment is inactive

  • The role set up to run the plug-in does not have permissions to set values on the custom segment

  • The custom segment does not impact GL

The custom segment is invalid. The error message lists all of the possible causes.

Ensure that the custom segments exists, and verify the settings listed in the error message. For more information, see the following topics.

Transaction subsidiary {subsidiary id} is not valid for entity {entity id}. Please choose a different entity.

You entered an entity ID on the custom GL line that is not valid for the subsidiary of the transaction.

Ensure that the entity specified in setEntityId(entityId) is valid for the subsidiary of the transaction. Ensure that the entity specified in setEntityId(entityId) is valid for the subsidiary of the transaction. Multi-subsidiary customers are supported. For more information, see Enable the Multi-Subsidiary Customer Feature.

Transaction subsidiary {subsidiary} is not valid for location {location}. Please choose a different location.

You specified a location on the custom GL line that is not valid for the subsidiary of the transaction.

Specify a location in setLocationId(locationId) that is valid for the subsidiary.

Transaction subsidiary {subsidiary} is not valid for department {department}. Please choose a different department.

You specified a department that is not valid for the subsidiary.

Specify a department in setDepartmentId(departmentId) that is valid for the subsidiary.

Transaction subsidiary {subsidiary} is not valid for class {class}. Please choose a different class.

You specified a class that is not valid for the subsidiary.

Specify a class in setClassId(classId) that is valid for the subsidiary.

Transaction subsidiary {subsidiary} is not valid for account {account}. Please choose a different account.

You specified an account that is not valid for the subsidiary.

Specify an account in setAccountId(accountId) that is valid for the subsidiary.

Invalid custom segment value {value id} for segment {segment id}. Custom segment value does not exist or is inactive.

You specified a custom segment value that does not exist or is inactive.

Use a valid value ID for the custom segment.

The role restrictions for {type of segment} prevent the use of {segment}.

You specified a class, department, or location that has role restrictions.

Specify a class in setClassId(classId), department in setDepartmentId(departmentId), or location in setLocationId(locationId) that does not have role restrictions.

Account {account} cannot be used because your role restrictions are incompatible with the account's segment restriction.

You specified an account with segment restrictions that are incompatible with your role restrictions.

Specify an account in setAccountId(accountId) that has compatible segment restrictions with your role.

Entity {entity} cannot be used because your role's segment or employee restrictions are incompatible with the entity being used.

You specified an entity with segment restrictions that are incompatible with your role's segment or employee restrictions.

Specify an entity in setEntityId(entityId) that is compatible with your role's segment or employee restrictions.

Related Topics

General Notices