2022.1.x Minor Releases

Refer to the following minor release notes for the latest updates to SuiteCommerce, SuiteCommerce MyAccount, and SuiteCommerce Advanced:

2022.1.4 Minor Release of SuiteCommerce, SuiteCommerce MyAccount, and SuiteCommerce Advanced


  • Fixed an issue that caused newly created landing pages to inherit layout elements of a previously viewed page.

2022.1.3 Minor Release of SuiteCommerce, SuiteCommerce MyAccount, and SuiteCommerce Advanced


  • Wrote patch instructions to remove the NLAuth authorization header from token-based authentication flows to continue to support token-based authentication on all versions of the SuiteCommerce Advanced developer tools. See Token-Based Authentication Updates for Developer Tools.

  • Fixed an issue that caused landing pages not to open correctly when using Site Management Tools.

  • Fixed an issue that returned the error 500: UNEXPECTED_ERROR when the payment card token feature was enabled for display in the web store.

  • Fixed an issue that caused terms and conditions pages on the Checkout page to display with default text content instead of customized text.

2022.1.2 Minor Release of SuiteCommerce, SuiteCommerce MyAccount, and SuiteCommerce Advanced


  • Starting with the 2022.1.2 minor release, Commerce websites configured for External Checkout Only in the Payment Processing profile now allow customers to be successfully redirected to an external payment page to pay their invoices. Prior to the 2022.1.2 minor release, this behavior was not supported because external payments were implemented as alternative payments and not the main payment method.

  • Fixed an issue occurring when shoppers use an external payment method and return to the Payment Methods page to make a correction. This was causing an empty error message to be displayed and did not allow shoppers to continue with the checkout flow unless they re-selected the payment method.

  • Fixed an issue with installing SuiteCommerce Advanced bundles when using Node 12.21.0 and Gulp 4.0.2 to compile the source code.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Commerce Category records pages to be displayed incorrectly when using Site Management Tools.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the pricing on the Product Display page not to update based on the product quantity purchased.

2022.1.1 Minor Release of SuiteCommerce, SuiteCommerce MyAccount, and SuiteCommerce Advanced


  • Introduced a new configuration setting that lets you control which custom record scripts are loaded into the shopping environment short cache for your Commerce website. This new configuration setting enables you to provide the Custom Record Script IDs of the records that you do not want to load in shopping.environment.shortcache.ssp.

    For example, if you create blog pages using the SC Blog extension, you can prevent those blog pages from loading in the shopping environment short cache by specifying the customrecord_sc_blogpage_type_post ID in the CMS Pages Lazy Load setting. Specifying this setting ensures the blog post pages are loaded into short cache only when those pages are needed.

    For more information, see the following topics:

  • Fixed an issue that caused the author of a Web Store item review to be captured as a string. A customer who writes an item review is now correctly captured as an author as prescribed by JSON-LD schema.

General Notices