Mapping Shopify Images in NetSuite Connector

This section provides steps for mapping Shopify images in NetSuite Connector. The NetSuite configuration for mapping images is common for all connector types. For more information, read NetSuite Configuration.

After setting up product image fields in NetSuite, you can map the images in NetSuite Connector.

To map Shopify images in NetSuite Connector:

  1. Log in to

  2. Select Shopify connector and then select the relevant account.

  3. Go to Mappings > Products.

  4. Click Add Mappings.

    The Add Shopify Field Mapping popup window opens.

  5. From the Standard dropdown list, select images:

  6. Click Add Mapping.

    A success message appears on the popup window.

  7. Click Close.

  8. Locate your new mapping in the product mappings list and click Special Mapping – Click to Edit link on the mapping.

    The images Mapping popup window opens.

  9. In the Image Field 1 field, enter the NetSuite field ID of the image you want mapped to Shopify.

  10. (Optional) To add multiple image fields, click the Add Row button and enter the field IDs in the new image fields.

  11. Click Save Changes.

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