Viewing the Cash Forecast From the Cash 360 Dashboard


An administrator must give access to roles that will use the Cash 360 SuiteApp. When access is not given, the role has no permission to view the Cash 360 dashboard. For more information, see Giving a Role Access to Cash 360.

The Cash Forecast portlet is available on the Cash 360 dashboard to let you view the cash forecast line graph and table. The values in this portlet are based on the cash forecast table and from the preferences set for this SuiteApp. For more information, see Cash Forecasts in Cash 360 and Setting Cash 360 Preferences.

To view the cash forecast from the Cash 360 dashboard:

  1. Go to Financial > Cash 360 > Dashboard.

    The Cash Forecast portlet displays a line graph and a cash forecast table with the following information.

    Portlet Element


    Line graph

    Data on the line graph are based on the forecast table in the Cash Forecast portlet.

    The cash forecast is displayed in the y-axis and is shown in the currency of the selected subsidiary or consolidated subsidiary. The period for the cash forecast is shown on the x-axis. The period varies from days, weeks, or months, depending on the preferences set for the SuiteApp.

    Points in the line graph show the forecast amount for a given period.

    The cash forecast is calculated as the opening balance amount, plus the total future-dated transactions amount, plus the total inflow amount, minus the total outflow amount.

    Cash Forecast = Opening balance + Future-dated transactions amount + Total forecast inflow amount – Total forecast outflow amount

    Forecast table

    Data in this table are condensed and based on the cash forecast table. For more information, see Cash Forecasts in Cash 360.

    This condensed table shows the period as specified in the Preferences page of this SuiteApp. This table displays the total inflow and outflow amounts, as well as the cash forecast for the given period.

    The cash forecast is calculated as the opening balance amount, plus the future-dated transactions amount, plus the total inflow amount, minus the total outflow amount.

    Cash Forecast = Opening balance + Future-dated transactions amount + Total forecast inflow amount – Total forecast outflow amount

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