Common Errors When Importing Inventory Cost Revaluation Records

This topic describes typical problems you might experience when using the CSV Import Assistant to create or update inventory cost revaluation records.

Field Mapping Error

When you click Next on the Field Mapping page, you might encounter an error that says “You must map one of the following NetSuite fields to a column in your CSV file, to be a unique identifier: External ID, Internal ID, or a transaction number field, such as Order # or Invoice #.” This error occurs when you are trying to add records, and you have not mapped a unique identifier for the records. Specifically, you must map a value for either ExternalId or Ref. No.

Mandatory Field Missing

You may see the “Mandatory Field Missing” error after clicking Next on the mapping page. This error can occur in cases where you have chosen a data handling option of Add on page 2 of the Import Assistant, and one of the following problems occurred:

An Inventory Cost Revaluation Already Exists for this Item, Location, and Date

Each inventory cost revaluation record must use a unique combination of item, location, and date. In other words, if you are trying to create an inventory cost revaluation record for Widget A in your East Coast Warehouse, you can only submit one revaluation for any specified date.

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