Committing Orders

Committing items to orders can be done automatically or manually based on your setting for the Perform Item Commitment after Transaction Entry preference.


This topic is applicable only if you have not enabled the Supply Allocation feature in your account. If you have enabled the Supply Allocation feature, see Supply Allocation for additional information.

This preference box must be cleared to view and use the Commit Orders and Commit Order Schedule pages. For details about setting this preference, see Setting Inventory Allocation Preferences.

The Commit Orders and Commit Order Schedule pages function differently than the Reallocate Items page in the following way:

Best Practices for Committing Numbered Inventory

For numbered items, you track the inventory’s available quantity across locations and across lot or serial numbers. Inventory reallocation and partial fulfillments may cause inconsistencies when tracking these available quantities. Inconsistencies may persist until you completely fulfill an order.

Inventory Management provides tools that enable you to prevent these inconsistencies during order creation or entry. Consider the following best practices to maintain consistent available quantities for numbered inventory:

  • Assign lot or serialized numbers as soon as you commit quantities to an order.

    If you allocate inventory to order lines during order entry, make sure that you also enter the lot or serial numbers before you save the order.

    Without assigning lot or serial numbers to an order, the quantity committed is decreased from the available quantity tracked for the item’s location only. Inconsistency occurs until you assign lot or serial numbers to the item fulfillment. To apply a corresponding decrease in the available quantity of the lot or serial numbers, assign them to the order as well.

  • Commit inventory to an order only when the lot or serial numbers have been added.

    To implement this guideline, consider disabling automatic commitment. Instead, you can create recurring Commit Orders Schedules or Order Allocation Schedules that would pick up only order lines in which lot or serial numbers have been assigned. On your schedules, you can set up a saved search that provides a specific list of orders to be allocated. For more information, see Committing Orders.

    To create schedules, see Creating Commit Orders Schedule or Creating Order Allocation Schedules.

  • When you add order lines for numbered inventory, check the Commitment Confirmed box. When you define a Commit Orders Schedule or Order Allocation Schedule, check the Set Order Line Firm box.

    These settings prevent order lines from being reallocated, consequently, keeping available quantities from being out of sync.

To commit orders on demand:

  1. Go to Transactions > Inventory > Schedule Commit Orders > Run Now.

  2. The list on the Commit Orders page shows individual lines for each order. Optionally filter this list using these selections:

    • Location – Select a location to show only orders associated with that location.

    • Item – Select an item to show only orders that include the item.

    • Customer – Select a customer to show only orders from that customer.

    • Order number – Select to filter the list by order number.

    • Transaction Type – Select a type to show only orders of that type.

    • Commit Criteria – Select to filter the list by the Commit Criteria setting (Available Qty, Complete Qty, Do Not Commit)

      Kits and their components cannot be set to Do Not Commit.

    • Select All Orders – Check this box to select all orders in the list.


      This option restricts the committed orders to 200 at one time to enhance commit time.

  3. Enter the following range criteria:

    Order Priority From/To – Enter a range of priority numbers to filter the list by customer priority.

    Transaction Date From/To – Enter a date range to filter the list by transaction date.

    Expected Ship Date From/To – Enter a date range to filter the list by expected ship date.

  4. Check the Set Order Line to Firm box to firm each order line you select. Quantities on lines that are firmed cannot be reallocated to other orders.

  5. Select specific rows when inventory is available for commitment. Check the box in the Select column next to each line you want to commit.


    When order lines with the Commit Criteria setting Do Not Commit are selected, NetSuite changes the setting to Available Quantity during processing.

  6. Optionally sort the list.

    In the Processing Options section, make a selection in one or more of these three fields to sort:

    • Sort By

    • Then By

    • Then By

    Sorting options for each field include the following:

    • Commit

    • Customer

    • Item

    • Location

    • Order #

    • Order Priority

    • Order Qty

    • Qty Committed

    • Qty Fulfilled

    • Transaction Date

    • Transaction Type

    • Expected Ship Date


      Expected Ship Date requires the Demand Planning feature. However, the Expected Ship Date field appears on the Commit Orders page even if the Demand Planning feature is not enabled. If the Demand Planning feature is not enabled, the expected ship date is the same as the transaction date.

    Beneath each field you can check the Descending box if you want results to return in descending order instead of ascending order. This box is clear by default. The sorting sequence applies to all orders if the Select All Orders box in the header is checked. NetSuite remembers your sorting choices the next time you open the Commit Orders page.


    If you do not use the Perform Item Commitment After Transaction Entry preference, sorting selections are different. These sorting selections take priority over the preference only if the sorting sequence fields on the Commit Orders page are left blank. Selections in the sorting sequence fields on the Commit Orders page override the preference.

  7. Click Submit.

After you click Submit, the selected orders are committed as indicated.

If you use the preference Perform Item Commitment After Transaction Entry, NetSuite performs automatic inventory allocation when new item quantities become available.

NetSuite automatically removes available quantities from sales orders, work orders, and transfer orders in the following scenarios:

Calculations to de-commit items are based on the Item Commitment Transaction Ordering setting.

If multiple orders are changed and a large amount of inventory is removed, your setting determines the orders that are affected. It also determines the orders that get items allocated first. Quantities will be de-committed based on the following criteria:

When Sales Order feature is enabled, the quantity is reduced on the transaction with a committed quantity and the oldest transaction date.

When the Demand Planning feature and Sales Order feature are enabled, NetSuite commits quantities differently. The quantity is reduced on the transaction with a committed quantity and the oldest transaction date, priority, or expected ship date.


De-committing items is location specific. Quantity adjustments are made only in the location identified on the line or form header.

Quantities are also de-committed if you set the commit option on order lines to Do Not Commit after an order has been committed.

To view the status of an allocation, go to Transactions > Inventory > Schedule Commit Orders > Status

Related Topics:

General Notices