Setting Inventory Allocation Preferences

Set the following preferences to use enhanced allocation functionality.


The instructions below apply only if you have not enabled the Supply Allocation feature in your account. If you have enabled the Supply Allocation feature, see these topics for additional information: Supply Allocation, Setting Demand Preferences for Supply Allocation.

To set inventory allocation preferences:

  1. Go to Setup > Accounting > Preferences > Accounting Preferences.

  2. Make a selection for each of the following preferences and then save.

Item Commitment Transaction Ordering

Select one of the following to determine which order will have items committed to it when there is an open quantity.

Default Commitment Options

Make selections to determine the default commitment setting on work orders, sales orders, and transfer orders. The commitment setting you choose defaults to show in the Commit Criteria field on new transactions you enter. When entering a transaction, you can change the setting from the default if necessary.

These preferences can be useful when you use Demand Planning. For example, NetSuite may create a large quantity of new work orders, but you do not want your items committed to those orders yet. You can set your preference for the Default commit option on work order preference to Do Not Commit.

Selections can be made for the following transactions:

For each applicable transaction type, select one of the following default settings:

These preferences default to the selection Available Qty.

Perform Item Commitment After Transaction Entry

The Perform Item Commitment After Transaction Entry preference determines whether NetSuite automatically allocates items to orders.

Related Topics:

General Notices