CustomSearch Objects Defined

For accounts that have upgraded to 2013.2 or a later endpoint, common.xsd includes two elements that support joining to and gathering result data from records that are referenced by a custom field. These objects are CustomSearchJoin and CustomSearchRowBasic. The main purpose of these objects is described in Overview of CustomSearchJoin and CustomSearchRowBasic. This topic describes how the objects are defined in the schema.

CustomSearchJoin is included in many RecordType Search objects. This element is defined as follows:

          <complexType name="CustomSearchJoin">
        <element name="customizationRef" type="platformCore:CustomizationRef"/>
        <element name="searchRecordBasic" type="platformCore:SearchRecordBasic"/>


CustomSearchRowBasic is included in many RecordType SearchRow objects. This element is defined as follows:

          <complexType name="CustomSearchRowBasic">
        <element name="customizationRef" type="platformCore:CustomizationRef"/>
        <element name="searchRowBasic" type="platformCore:SearchRowBasic"/>


Notice that both of these elements use CustomizationRef, which you use to identify the custom field. CustomizationRef includes five possible attributes. Of these, you can use only internal ID or script ID to identify a custom field. The other attributes (external ID, type, and name) are not applicable to custom fields.

The following example shows how you can use script ID to reference a custom field and join to AccountSearchBasic:

          CustomizationRef field_account = new CustomizationRef(null,null,null,null,"custentity_account"); 
CustomSearchJoin customSearchJoin = new CustomSearchJoin(field_account,accountSearchBasic); 


For a more extensive example, see Using CustomSearchJoin and CustomSearchRowBasic Example.


CustomSearchJoin and CustomSearchRowBasic are available only for accounts that have upgraded to the 2013.2 or a later endpoint.

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