CustomSearchJoin Usage Notes

If you are using the 2013.2 WSDL or later, you have access to CustomSearchJoin. Refer to the following sections to better understand the capabilities of this search object:

Use CustomSearchJoin Only With Custom Fields

You cannot use CustomSearchJoin in conjunction with a standard field that references another record. For example, the standard employee record includes the Department field. If you decide to use CustomSearchJoin, and you identify the Department field as your custom field, the system returns an error reading “Invalid custom field reference.” You should use the standard departmentJoin that is already provided as part of the EmployeeSearch object.

CustomSearchJoin Connects Only With SearchBasics

CustomSearchJoin allows only for a basic search of the referenced record. For example, if the employee record has been altered to include a custom field that points to the account record, you can join to AccountSearchBasic – but not AccountSearch or AccountSearchAdvanced. This limitation is consistent with the capabilities of searching in the UI.

Nested Joins Are Not Allowed

You cannot use nested joins. For example, suppose your contact record includes a custom field referencing the employee record, which includes a custom field that references the account record. A search of the contact record could include a join to the employee record, but the same search could not also join to the account record.


CustomSearchJoin and CustomSearchRowBasic are available only for accounts that have upgraded to the 2013.2 or a later endpoint.

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