
You use the deposit record to adjust the balance of an account.

In the UI, you access this record at Transactions > Bank > Make Deposits.

For help working with this record in the UI, see Deposits.

The internal ID of this record is deposit.

See the SuiteScript Records Browser for all internal IDs associated with this record.


For information about using the SuiteScript Records Browser, see Working with the SuiteScript Records Browser in the NetSuite Help Center.

For information about scripting with this record in SuiteScript, see the following help topics:

Supported Script Types

The deposit record is scriptable in both client and server SuiteScript.

All three user events are supported: beforeLoad, beforeSubmit, and afterSubmit.

Supported Functions

The deposit record cannot be copied, but otherwise it is fully scriptable. It can be created, updated, deleted, and searched in SuiteScript.

Usage Notes

Be aware of the following:

Code Samples

The following sample shows how to create, load, and delete deposit records.

          function createBankDeposit(cashSaleId){

    var deposit = record.create({

        type: record.Type.DEPOSIT



        fieldId: 'account',

        value: '1'



        fieldId: 'subsidiary',

        value: '1'



        sublistId: 'payment',

        fieldId: 'id',

        line: 1, 

        value: cashSaleId // replace this with a valid id



        sublistId: 'payment',

        fieldId: 'deposit',

        line: 1, 

        value: 'T'


    var recordId =;

    return recId;


function testDeposit() {

    var cashSaleId = null;

    var depositId = null;


        cashSaleId = createCashSale(); // or type internalId of valid Cash Sale

        depositId = createBankDeposit(cashSaleId);

        var testdeposit = record.load({

            type: record.Type.DEPOSIT,

            id: depositId



    finally {

        if (depositId != null) {


                type: record.Type.DEPOSIT,

                id: depositId



        if (cashSaleId!= null) {


                type: record.Type.CASH_SALE,

                id: cashSaleId






Disabling or Enabling User Filters

When you create or load a deposit record, you can control whether the script respects the filter preferences set by the user on the record’s Deposits > Payments subtab. You control this behavior by using the disablepaymentfilters initialization flag.

Set the parameter to true to ignore the preferences and disable filters, so that all the payments are loaded.

Set the parameter to false to indicate that the system should respect the user’s preferences and enable the filters. In this case, filters are applied and fewer payments are loaded. If you have a large number of payments, you can set disablepaymentfilters to false to improve performance. If you do not set a value for the disablepaymentfilters parameter, it defaults to false.

Disabling Filters in SuiteScript 2.x

In SuiteScript 2.x, you can interact with disablepaymentfilters when you use the defaultValues parameter, which is available for the record.create(options) and record.load(options).

For example, the following SuiteScript 2.x snippet would ignore the user’s preferences:

          var newRecord = record.create({

    type: record.Type.DEPOSIT,

    defaultValues: {

       account: '2',

       disablepaymentfilters: true




Specifying Payment IDs

When you create a deposit record, you can choose to specify payment IDs. You control this behavior by using the deposits initialization parameter.

Specifying Payment IDs in SuiteScript 2.x

To specify payment IDs in SuiteScript 2.x, use the deposits initialization parameter, which is available for record.create(options). The deposits parameter is not available for record.load(options).

For example, the following SuiteScript 2.x snippet would select the payment IDs of 818 and 819:

          var myDeposit = record.create({

    type: record.Type.DEPOSIT,

    defaultValues: {

        'deposits': '818,819'




Related Topics

General Notices