Configure CDN Caching

To configure the CDN cache, you must have already enabled the CDN cache. For more information, see Enable CDN Caching.

To configure CDN caching:

  1. Modify the SSP application.

  2. Add the setCDNCacheable call within your SSP application and service files. For more information about using the setCDNCacheable method, see SuiteScript 1.0 Documentation.

                    <% response.setCDNCacheable(response.CACHE_DURATION_MEDIUM) %> 

    The Shopping Application has the setCDNCacheable call within the index.ssp file by default. After the domains are set up correctly as described above, CDN caching is enabled for the Shopping Application. When the Shopping Application is customized using external SSP applications, you can also set caching for content returned from those custom services.

After you enable and configure CDN caching, you can clear the cache by triggering a cache invalidation request. For more information, see Cache Invalidation.

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