Managing Custom Plug-in Implementations

As a NetSuite administrator, you may install a SuiteApp that includes a custom plug-in. If you do nothing, the logic within the custom plug-in’s default implementation runs automatically in the context of the SuiteApp.

However, if the developers in your company choose to create alternate implementations of the custom plug-in, you use the Manage Plug-Ins page to enable one or more of their implementations. To access this page, go to Customization > Plug-ins > Manage Plug-ins.


You must have Server SuiteScript enabled in your account to access to the Manage Plug-In Implementations page.

Custom plug-in types that allow multiple implementations to be enabled and deployed have a checkbox next to each alternate implementation.

Custom plug-in types that limit implementation deployments to one have a dropdown list. In this field you select only one implementation to enable and deploy. Note that there may be several implementations to choose from, but only one can be selected.

After enabling your implementations, click Save.


The solution provider that created the custom plug-in type defines whether single or multiple deployments are supported. As the administrator, you select which implementation/deployment you want enabled in your NetSuite account.

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