Custom Plug-in Creation


To create your own custom plug-ins and implementation scripts, you need some JavaScript coding experience and an understanding of SuiteScript. You should write new custom plug-in scripts in SuiteScript 2.0 or SuiteScript 2.1. To get started with SuiteScript, see SuiteScript 2.x API Reference and SuiteScript 2.1.

The following sequence illustrates the basic process for developing, implementing, and managing custom plug-ins. Note that your process flow may vary from the following diagram. See Suggested Help Topics by Role for a list of help topics organized by role.


This diagram is organized by role, not title. Roles do not always equate to titles. For example, the solution implementor and administrator roles may be assigned to the same individual or group.


Suggested Help Topics by Role

Solution Provider

Solution Implementor


Custom Plug-in Development

Custom Plug-in Implementation

Managing Custom Plug-in Implementations

Viewing Plug-in Implementation System Notes

Related Topics

General Notices