Installing Country-Specific Address Forms

The Country-Specific Address Forms SuiteApp provides custom address forms for various countries. For more information, see Country-Specific Address Forms

To install the Country-Specific Address Forms SuiteApp:

  1. Go to Customization > SuiteBundler > Search & Install Bundles.

  2. In the Keywords field, enter Country-Specific Address Forms, or the bundle ID, 64313.

  3. Click Search.

  4. Click Country-Specific Address Forms in the Name column.

  5. On the Bundle Details page, click Install.

For more information about installing SuiteApps, see Installing a Bundle.

The Country-Specific Address Forms SuiteApp is a managed bundle. After you install the SuiteApp, your accounts are automatically upgraded when an update to the SuiteApp is available.


After the update, any changes made to the custom address forms are reset.

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