Defining Numbering for a Custom Transaction Type

You can set most of the fields relevant to custom transaction numbering by using the following procedure.

If you decide to enable the Use Subsidiary or Use Location option as described in the second step of this procedure, afterward you may want to complete the steps described in Defining Numbering Preferences for Subsidiaries and Locations.

For information about the components of a custom transaction type’s entry number, see Components of a Custom Transaction Type’s Entry Number.

To define numbering for a custom transaction type:

  1. Go to one of the pages that lets you configure numbering, as follows:

    • Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Transaction Types, and click the name of the appropriate transaction type. Then click the Transaction Numbers subtab.

    • Go to Setup > Company > Auto-Generated Numbers. Then click the Transaction Numbers subtab and locate the transaction type in the list.

    Both of these pages offer a view into the same set of fields, so a change made on one page is visible on the other.

  2. If appropriate, add a prefix tied to the transaction instance’s subsidiary or location field:

    • Use Subsidiary – This option is available only in OneWorld accounts.

    • Use Location – If you choose this option, you may want to make sure that the transaction type definition is configured to include the Location field on the transaction header (not the Lines sublist). For help, see Custom Transaction Type Classification Fields. If you are using a custom entry form, you may also want to make sure that the custom form makes the Location field visible. For help with custom forms, see Adding Custom Forms for a Custom Transaction Type.

    When a subsidiary or location prefix is used, the system also uses a unique numbering sequence for transaction instances that have that prefix.

  3. (Optional) Enter numbers or letters in the Prefix field. This prefix is displayed before each autogenerated number. It also occurs before the subsidiary or location prefix, which you may have enabled in the previous step.

  4. (Optional) Enter numbers or letters in the Suffix field. The suffix is displayed after each autogenerated number.

  5. If appropriate, enter a value from 1 to 20 in the Minimum Digits field. This minimum applies only to the autogenerated number, not to the characters in the prefix and suffix. To meet the minimum for generated numbers that are too short, the system prepends zeroes to the number. For example, if Minimum Digits is set to 4, an autogenerated number of 1 becomes 0001.

  6. If appropriate, check Update Initial Number and then enter a value in the Initial Number field. This number does not apply to sequences associated with subsidiary or location. Additionally, this number is used only if it is higher than the value in the Current Number field.

    If you do not enter a value in the Initial Number field, NetSuite (in most cases) starts the sequence at 1. There is one exception: if the Current Number field is displayed and has a value, the numbering begins with the number that follows the value in that field.


    The Current Number field is not displayed if you are in the process of creating a new transaction type. If the field appears, it has a value only if an instance of the transaction type exists. This read-only field reflects the value of whichever existing transaction instance has the highest entry number. In most cases, this field shows the number of the most recently created transaction instance.

  7. If you want to let users override an autogenerated number, check the Allow Override box.


    Overriding transaction numbers permits users to create duplicate numbers and gaps in the sequence. Additionally, when a transaction number is overridden with a higher value, future autogenerated numbers begin at the next number. Each number can be manually set to a lower value, but autogenerated numbering always follows the highest number that has been used so far. Use this option with caution. Ensure that you understand the risks associated with overriding transaction numbers.

  8. Click Save.

For examples of how to set up transactions to use transaction type and location prefixes, see Autogenerated Transaction Number with Transaction Type and Location Prefixes Examples.

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