Components of a Custom Transaction Type’s Entry Number

At a minimum, the entry number for a transaction instance includes an autogenerated number. However, you can customize the way the numbers are generated. For example, for each transaction type, you can do any of the following:

The following illustration shows a sample entry number that uses all of these options.

Sample entry number illustration.

Each component, along with information about configuring it, is described in the following table.




This value corresponds with the transaction type’s Prefix field. This static value is used for all instances of the transaction type. For help setting this value, see Defining Numbering for a Custom Transaction Type.


This value corresponds with the Transaction Number Prefix field of either the subsidiary or location record with which the transaction instance is associated. This value appears only if all of the following occur:


This value is the autogenerated number. In some cases, all instances of a transaction type are numbered as part of a single sequence. In other cases, there can be multiple sequences. The system uses the following rules:

  • If the entry number does not include a Transaction Number Prefix value derived from a subsidiary or location record, the system uses a generic numbering sequence not tied to any classification. The initial number of this sequence is the value saved in the transaction type’s Initial Number field. For help setting this field, see Defining Numbering for a Custom Transaction Type.

  • In some cases, the entry number of the transaction instance does include a Transaction Number Prefix value derived from a subsidiary or location record. In these situations, the system uses numbering specific to that combination of subsidiary and transaction type (or the combination of location and transaction type). The initial number for each sequence is taken from the location or subsidiary record. For more details, see Defining Numbering Preferences for Subsidiaries and Locations.


This value corresponds with the transaction type’s Suffix field. This static value is used for all instances of the transaction type. For help setting this value, see Defining Numbering for a Custom Transaction Type.

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