Website Domains and Email Hosting

If you intend to send more than 100,000 email messages through marketing campaigns within a 30-day period, you must set up a campaign domain. Similarly, if you intend to send out more than 10,000 email messages in any single campaign event (blast) you must also set up a campaign domain. You can use your own domain name for your email campaigns.

To set up a domain for your email campaign, you must configure Domain Name System (DNS) settings to point your domain name at NetSuite website hosting servers. In most cases, your domain provider can redirect your domain name using a CNAME record (Canonical Name record). This approach designates your domain name as an alias of the NetSuite hosting domains assigned to your account. For more information about setting up a CNAME record, see Point Your Domain Name at Your Domain (DNS Settings) and for more information about using a custom domain for email campaigns, read the help topic Campaign Email Domains.

You may not need a campaign domain as described above but you may need a domain to host company emails. As per standard best practice, you should never use your domain for multiple purposes. The most common occurrence of this situation is when you are using your root domain to host several services. As an example, the website and the company email are sharing the same root domain.


You should not use the same root domain for your website and to setup email campaigns. Problems can occur when multiple DNS records are assigned to one root domain name. For example, if you set up for both shopping and email marketing, you may encounter problems such as email server failures.

Dynamic A Record

You should not use a root domain, under specific circumstances, you might determine you have no other alternative. However, if you use the same root domain for your website and to setup email campaigns, you cannot use a CNAME to point your root domain to NetSuite shopping servers. The only solution is to set up a dynamic A record with your DNS provider to accommodate hosting both your website and email on the same domain.


You can use a dynamic A record for your root domain in a Commerce web store only if your DNS provider supports CNAME Flattening. If you decide that you must use a dynamic A record, you must choose a DNS provider that offers CNAME Flattening and set it up for your domain. Each domain provider has an online help system that gives detailed information about CNAME Flattening.

Static A Record

As opposed to a dynamic A record, a static A record points to a fixed IP address. Static A records are not supported in NetSuite.

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