Campaign Email Domains

To send more than 100,000 email messages through marketing campaigns in a 30 day period, you must set up a campaign domain. Similarly, to send more than 10,000 email messages in any single campaign event (blast), you must also set up a campaign domain.

For more information about domains and your website, read the following:

When you set up a campaign email domain, all links and other references to are instead replaced with your domain.


If you do not host your web store with NetSuite, you should not use your web store or site domain as your email domain.


A campaign email domain is different from a DKIM. For information about DKIM, see DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM).

To ensure that the links in your email work properly, your sender domain must match the domain in your links and tracking pixels return responses.

To set up a campaign email domain, configure Domain Name System (DNS) settings to point your email domain name to hosting servers at NetSuite. Your domain provider can redirect your email domain using a CNAME record (Canonical Name record). This approach designates your email domain as an alias of the NetSuite hosting domain name assigned to your account. NetSuite uses the CNAME (Alias) domain whenever a secure (HTTPS) connection is not required. For example, with website hosting and email campaigns.

To set up your email domain name in NetSuite:

  1. Go to Commerce > Hosting > Domains.

  2. In the Domain Name column, enter the domain name you have registered to send campaign email messages.

  3. In the Hosted As column, select Email Campaign.

  4. Click Add.

  5. Repeat these steps for each email domain you want to add.

  6. Click Save.


    After you create a new domain or update an existing domain, you must wait two hours before you configure DNS settings with your domain provider. See Point Your Domain Name at Your Domain (DNS Settings).

  7. After two hours, return to the Domain Setup page, and then copy the CNAME (Alias) NetSuite assigned to you. You will use this CNAME to complete DNS setup with your domain name provider.

    Go to Commerce > Hosting > Domains.


    Each time you add or edit a domain name in NetSuite, the CNAME (Alias) displayed for that domain changes. You must configure DNS settings with your domain provider to point your domain name to the correct CNAME (Alias).

  8. (Required) Visit your domain provider's website to complete the CNAME record setup. See Point Your Domain Name at Your Domain (DNS Settings).

  9. Select the campaign domain on the Marketing subtab of your email template or campaign template records.

    You can set a default domain for your templates. Go to Setup > Marketing > Set Up Web Site > Default Campaign Domain field.

After you set up domain names in NetSuite, and configure DNS settings with your domain provider, your domains should begin redirecting. The time frame for domain redirecting depends on your DNS provider. Generally, this process takes between two to 48 hours.

In addition to email domains, you can also upload your own email domain keys to increase your delivery rates. For more information, see DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM).

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