Campaign Categories

Campaign categories represent the highest level of the campaign data on campaign reports. Marketing campaigns are grouped into categories depending on the kind of campaigns you run.

By default, campaign reports are grouped by campaign category. You can also filter the campaigns list by category.

The following categories and subcategories are included by default:

To create a campaign category:

  1. Go to Setup > Marketing > Campaign Management > Categories > New.

  2. Enter a name for the category.

  3. If this is a subcategory, choose a parent category.

  4. Select a default lead source for this category.

    When a customer selects a campaign category on an online customer form, this lead source appears in the Lead Source field. This field is on the record NetSuite creates if there is no other lead source associated with this customer.

  5. Check the Available Externally box to make this campaign category available for customers to select on online forms.

  6. Click Save.

Campaign categories are tracked on the Marketing subtab of customer records. Lead sources passed through links on online forms display the campaign’s category on the customer record created when the customer submits the form.

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