Configure Properties

These topics explain how to configure your Commerce website using the SuiteCommerce Configuration record. For this record to appear in your account, you must install the SuiteCommerce Configuration bundle, which is available for SuiteCommerce, SuiteCommerce MyAccount, and the Vinson release of SCA and later. See Install Your Commerce Website Applications for more information.


This configuration method is available for SuiteCommerce, SuiteCommerce MyAccount, and the Vinson release of SuiteCommerce Advanced and later. When configuring the Mont Blanc or Denali release of SCA, you must customize JavaScript configuration files. See Develop Your SCA Customization for more details.

This topic explains how to:


If you are using SuiteCommerce Advanced (SCA) and migrating to a later release from Denali or Mont Blanc, you can copy previous configuration files and include them in the Vinson JavaScript files directly. If doing so, you do not need to install the SuiteCommerce Configuration bundle. These existing configuration files take priority over the SuiteCommerce Configuration record. However, if installing Vinson release or later as your initial SCA installation, you must install the SuiteCommerce Configuration bundle to configure your site.


Before configuring a Commerce web store, ensure that you have created a website and domain for your NetSuite account. See Getting Started and Set Up Domains for Web Stores for more information.

Configure Properties for a Domain

Use the SuiteCommerce Configuration record when you want to change properties related to your domain.

To configure properties for a domain:

  1. Go to Commerce > Websites > Configuration.

  2. Select the site that you want to configure from the Select Website list.

  3. Select the specific domain that you want to configure from the Select Domain list.

  4. Click Configure.

  5. Configure properties for the associated domain by clicking the tab and subtab of the feature you want to configure. See Configuration Properties Reference for details.

  6. Save the record.


Saving changes to the SuiteCommerce Configuration record creates a custom record for the selected domain. To configure multiple domains, you must save a SuiteCommerce Configuration record for each domain individually.

You can also copy the configuration of one domain (the origin domain) to another (the destination domain) by using the Copy Configuration feature. See Copy a SuiteCommerce Configuration Record.


The SuiteCommerce Configuration record supports valid JSON data (data that is either a string, a number, a boolean, an object, an array, or null). The Configuration Properties Reference explains the type of data expected for each property.


If your domain is mapped to a CDN, any changes made to the Shopping Application using the SuiteCommerce Configuration record take approximately five minutes to take effect. This delay occurs because the configuration information from the record is published to the file, which has a five-minute CDN cache by default. See CDN Caching Times for more details.

Copy a SuiteCommerce Configuration Record

Use the Copy Configuration function to copy a SuiteCommerce Configuration record from one domain to another.

Common scenarios where this function is useful include:

  • When you move a site from staging to production

  • When you move from one SCA release to another


    The two domains do not have to be on the same release of SCA. For example, you can copy a Kilimanjaro Configuration record from one domain to another Kilimanjaro domain or to an Aconcagua domain. Since it is common for later versions of SCA to have fields that do not exist in previous releases, the tool copies the values of all fields that are common between the two releases and uses default values for the additional fields.

Using the Copy Configuration function, you select the origin domain, select the destination domain, then click Copy Configuration.

In the procedure below:

  • Origin Website/Domain refers to the selection of the source configuration record. The tool copies the configuration record values from this selected website/domain. The values in this record are not changed.

  • Destination Website/Domain refers to the selection of the configuration record you are overwriting. The tool populates the field values from the origin configuration record into this destination configuration record.


This procedure overwrites the destination domain configuration record with the content of the origin domain configuration record. Copy to a test domain (especially if you are copying from a Sandbox domain) prior to copying to a production domain and ensure that the configuration values being copied align with your configuration objectives for the destination domain.

To copy a SuiteCommerce Configuration record:

  1. Go to Commerce > Websites > Configuration.

  2. Click Copy Configuration.

  3. Select the origin website from the Origin Website list.

  4. Select the origin domain from the Origin Domain list.

  5. Select the destination site from the Destination Website list.

  6. Select the destination domain from the Destination Domain list

  7. Click Copy Configuration.

  8. Optional: To change any of the values in the destination SuiteCommerce Configuration record, see: Configure Properties for a Domain.


The Copy Configuration function is a part of the SuiteCommerce Configuration bundle.

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