Item Search Usage Notes

See the following for more details about the Item Search complex type:

When Multiple Price Feature Is Enabled

In regard to the ItemSearchAdvanced complex type, note the following: When the Multiple Prices feature is enabled, the otherPrices field returns all existing prices other than the basePrice, including alternate prices and online price. This behavior matches that of the Other Prices search results field in UI advanced item searches.

The ItemID Element

Searching by ItemID, which is part of ItemSearchBasic, is the same as using the “Name (Internal)” filter that is available in the UI's advanced-search form. “Name (Internal)” searches the field on the item record labeled Item Name/Number.

Note that ItemID behave this way regardless of which endpoint is being used. This information supersedes the guidance available in deprecated versions of the SOAP Schema Browser.

Description Field for Item Group

It is not possible to add the description field of the Item Group as the Search column in the Item group advanced search, as it is not defined in the ItemSearchRowBasic ComplexType.

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General Notices