Roles and Permissions for Using Japanese Invoicing
By default, the following roles have access to invoice summary transaction records, and can generate or regenerate invoice summaries:
Only custom Accountant and custom CFO roles have default permission to work with invoice summary records and their generation or regeneration. See Customizing Roles to Access Invoice Summary Records and to Generate or Regenerate Them.
By default, the Administrator can set up Japanese holidays. However, any role can be customized to set up Japanese holidays. See Customizing Roles to Set up Japanese Holidays.
By default, the following roles have access to the Invoice Summary Collection Calendar report:
Accountant (Reviewer)
Customizing Roles to Access Invoice Summary Records and to Generate or Regenerate Them
Only custom Accountant and custom CFO roles can be granted access to invoice summary records and to the script deployments used in generating and regenerating them.
Granting Permission to Generate Invoice Summaries
To use the Generate Invoice Summary page, a role must have the following:
Permission to edit Invoice, Sales Order, and Credit Memo transactions.
At least the permission to view Subsidiaries list.
Access to the script deployment for generating an invoice summary.
When the role was created, the User Subsidiary option was chosen under Subsidiary Restrictions, on the Role page.
If the Selected option was chosen, the subsidiaries of employees that will generate an invoice summary must be specified in the Selected Subsidiaries list. To do this, go to Setup > Setup Manager > Users/Roles > Manage Roles. Click the Customize or Edit link of the role. On the Role page, under Subsidiary Restrictions, from the Selected Subsidiaries list, select the subsidiaries of employees that will generate an invoice summary.
Having permission to edit invoices, sales orders, and credit memos ensures that the system will display complete search results on the Generate Invoice Summary page.
To grant permission to edit transactions and to the subsidiaries list:
Go to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles.
Click the Customize link next to the role that you want to customize.
Click the Permissions subtab, and under the Transactions subtab
Ensure that the following transactions have either Edit of Full permission level:
Sales Order
Credit Memo
Click the blank line at the bottom of the list, select Invoice Summary in the Permission column, select Edit in the Level column, and click Add.
Under the Permissions subtab, click the Lists subtab.
Click the blank line at the bottom of the list, select Subsidiaries in the Permission column, select View (or higher) in the Level column, and click Add.
Click Save.
To grant access to the script deployment for generating an invoice summary:
Go to Customization > Scripting > Script Deployments.
Click the Edit link of the following script deployment:
Japan IS Generation Search Form SU
Japan IS Generation Result Form SU
Japan IS Drilldown SU
On the Audience subtab of the script deployment, add the roles that you want to give access to. Multiple roles can be added by pressing Ctrl and clicking the roles.
Click Save.
Granting Permission to Regenerate Invoice Summaries
To be able to regenerate an invoice summary, a role must have access to the script deployment that regenerates the invoice summary.
The following steps are only applicable to custom Accountant and custom CFO roles.
To grant access to the script deployment for regenerating an invoice summary:
Go to Customization > Scripting > Script Deployments.
Click the Edit link of the following script deployment:
User Event
Japan Invoice Summary UE
On the Audience subtab of the script deployment, add the roles that you want to give access to. Multiple roles can be added by pressing Ctrl and clicking the roles.
Click Save.
Granting Permission to View the Invoice Summary Transaction Record
Grant custom roles the permission to view invoice summary transaction records. When an invoice summary is generated, the Invoice Summary Transaction field will have a link to the invoice summary record.
To grant permission to view the invoice summary transaction record:
Go to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles.
Click the Edit link of the custom role that you want to grant permission to.
Click the Permissions subtab, and then the Setup subtab.
In the Permission column, add SuiteScript.
In the Level column, select View.
Click Save.
Customizing Roles to Set up Japanese Holidays
To set up Japanese Holidays, a role must have the following:
Permission to Holiday custom records.
At least the permission to edit Subsidiary records, so they can add or remove holidays that are applicable for a subsidiary.
To grant permission to access holiday records and the subsidiaries list:
Go to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles.
Click the Customize link next to the role that you want to customize.
Click the Permissions subtab, and then click Custom Record.
Under the Record column, click the field at the bottom of the list and select Holiday from the dropdown list.
Under the Level column, click the corresponding field and select Full from the dropdown list.
Click Add.
Click Lists.
Under the Permission column, click the field at the bottom of the list and select Subsidiaries from the dropdown list.
Under the Level column, click the corresponding field and select Edit or a higher permission level from the dropdown list.
Click Add.
Click Save.