Deploy a Specific Website

If you are implementing the Aconcagua release of SCA or later, best practice is to use themes and extensions to extend your website. You deploy your theme and extension to an account, where it is available for activation. See Themes & Extensions for details on installing and activating themes and extensions. See Develop Themes and Develop Extensions for information about using the theme and extension developer tools.

If you are implementing SuiteCommerce Advanced and not using themes and extensions deploy code to a specific website. You can deploy a website to the local server or to your NetSuite account.


If you are implementing themes and extensions on an SCA site using the Aconcagua release or later, you do not deploy to a specific site. Any published themes and extensions area available as bundled SuiteApps. After these are installed, they can be activated for any domain on multiple sites.

To create and deploy custom websites (not using themes and extensions):

  1. Install the developer tools and download the SuiteCommerce Advanced source code. See Set Up SCA Developer Tools for more information.

  2. Create any custom modules required for each website. Create a Custom Module for more information.

  3. In the top-level directory of the SuiteCommerce Advanced source code, create the following:

    • A directory named Sites. This directory must have this name and be located at the same level as the Modules directory.

    • A subdirectory for each website.

  4. Within each site-specific subdirectory, create a custom distro.json.

    You can use the default distro.json file as a template. Your custom distro.json for each website points to the following:

    • Shared module source code contains in suite_commerce.

    • Customize modules defined in custom_modules.

  5. Deploy your website.

    To deploy a specific website, perform the following:

    1. Navigate to the site-specific subdirectory for the website you want to deploy.

    2. Deploy the website locally or to your NetSuite account.

      You can deploy your website locally using gulp local or to your NetSuite account using gulp deploy. See Deploy SCA Customizations to NetSuite and Test SCA Customizations on a Local Server for more information.

      When deploying from a site-specific subidrectory, the gulp task creates the corresponding DeployDistribution and LocalDistribution directories within the site-specific directory. The compiled application files for the website are contained in these directories.

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