Using the Procurement Dashboard

On the Procurement Center tab, you can see the portlets for transactions that you have access to. Only the administrator has access to all portlets and transactions, if the required features and preferences are enabled in the account. For the list of features and preferences required for each saved search, see Prerequisites.

To view the portlets displayed on your Procurement Dashboard, click the Personalize link located at the upper right corner of the page. On the Personalize Dashboard panel, click the Currently Used tab to show all portlets displayed on the dashboard.

The following list describes the custom saved searches or content that are included in the Procurement Dashboard. Saved searches that can be used in more than one portlet display different sets of data.



A reminder is displayed only if there is at least one transaction retrieved by the saved search. Click a reminder link to display the list of retrieved transactions along with select details. If only one record is retrieved, clicking the link displays the transaction record, in view mode.



Purchase Orders to Approve

Reminds you of purchase orders that have not been approved.

Purchase Orders to Place

Reminds you of approved requisition records that do not yet have a purchase order.

Blanket POs to Approve

Reminds you of blanket purchase orders that have not been approved. Expired blanket purchase orders are not included.

Blanket POs to Release

Reminds you of approved blanket purchase orders that have outstanding lines and without a purchase order. Expired blanket purchase orders are not included.

Contracts to Approve

Reminds you of purchase contracts that have not been approved.

Expiring Contracts

Reminds you of approved purchase contracts that are scheduled to expire within 30 days from the current date. Expired contracts are not included.

To set the number of days before expiration, see Changing a custom saved search.

Request for Quotes Awaiting Response

Reminds you of RFQs that are still open for bidding, regardless of whether the RFQ has a response.

Request for Quotes Awaiting Award

Reminds you of RFQs that have not been awarded to a bidder. Only RFQs that are closed for bidding are displayed on the dashboard, regardless of whether there is a response.

Supply Plans Awaiting Purchase Order

Reminds you of item supply plans that do not yet have a purchase order.

Purchase Orders to Reschedule

Reminds you of purchase orders with items that have been set for rescheduling. This reminder is based on item supply plans with a reschedule date and tagged with the Reschedule Out message. Only orders for inventory items are included in the results.

Late Purchase Orders

Reminds you of purchase orders with items that have not been fully received before the expected receipt date. This reminder is based on item supply plans tagged with the Late Purchase Order message. Only orders for inventory items are included in the results.

Key Performance Indicators and KPI Meters

The following saved searches can be displayed as a KPI, KPI Meter, or both. The description applies to saved searches when displayed as a KPI portlet.



Open Contracts by Vendor

This indicator shows the total number of open contracts for the current and previous month, as well as the percentage change. Only approved purchase contracts are included in the count.

Open A/P by Vendor

This indicator shows the total amount of the accounts payable balance for the current and previous month, as well as the percentage change. Only open accounts payable transactions are included in the total balance.

Vendor Return Amount

This indicator shows the total number of open vendor return authorizations for the current and previous month, as well as the percentage change. Only authorizations with the following status are included in the results:

  • Pending Approval

  • Pending Return

  • Partially Returned

  • Pending Credit/Partially Returned

  • Pending Credit

Payment Term Opportunities

This indicator shows the total number of open and unapproved bills for the current month. Bills with discounts on payment terms that are due within 10 days of the current date are included in the count.

To set the criteria for the number of days till a discount expires, see Changing a custom saved search.

KPI Scorecard

The Vendor Delivery Performance scorecard shows a comparison of the following indicators for the previous and current month:

The portlet also displays the percent change for each indicator.

For Late or Unreceived Orders by Vendor, if there is no expected receipt date, NetSuite uses the due date or transaction date. To set the number of days used to determine late deliveries, see Changing a custom saved search.


The following reports display the total expenditure for each segment: department, class, location, and vendor.

Expenditure amounts are taken from purchase orders that have not been billed and vendor bills, both paid and unpaid. The transactions with no segment are grouped together and displayed as one on the report page. By default, the report displays all transactions within the current month. Use the filters to change the coverage period of the report. Click the expand icon on the Filters bar to display the fields where you can enter the filtering criteria.

On the Procurement Dashboard, clicking the report link displays the following details: segment name and total amount. At the end of the report, the total expenditure amount for all segments is displayed.

Custom Searches

On the Procurement Dashboard, the following custom saved searches are displayed as a Transaction Search. It shows a list of transactions retrieved by the saved search along with select details. The total number of purchase contracts are displayed above the list.

Custom Search


Expiring Contracts

This search displays a list of approved purchase contracts that are set to expire within the next 30 days after the current date. Expired contracts are not included in the list.

To set the number of days before expiration, see Changing a custom saved search.

Contracts Close to Maximum Value

This search displays a list of approved purchase contracts with amount greater than or equal to 80% of the maximum amount. Expired contracts are not included.

To set the percentage for the maximum value, see Changing a custom saved search.

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