Setting Up the Procurement Dashboard

Depending on your center, use the Administrator or custom Publisher role to publish the Procurement Dashboard to other roles. For more information about the Publisher roles, see Procurement Dashboard Roles. To publish the dashboard, complete the sequence of tasks described in the following topics:

Displaying the Procurement Center Tab

The Procurement Center tab is already set up in accounts of the custom Publisher role. You must display the tab in the accounts of other roles. If you need to only publish changes to existing users of the dashboard, you can skip this step.

To access the procurement center record to select roles:

  1. Go to Customization > Centers and Tabs > Center Tabs.

  2. On the Centers tab, select the roles you want to display.

    Alternately, you can click the Procurement Center tab in your account. Then, click the Edit Custom Tab link located at the upper right side of the page. On the Center Tabs list, click the Edit link for the Procurement Center. On the Center Tab page, select the roles on the Audience subtab. For more information about the center tab record, see Creating Center Tabs.

Setting Up the Dashboard Portlets

After displaying the Procurement Center tab, you can set up the portlets and saved searches on the Procurement Dashboard. The procedures in this section show you how to set up the layout, portlets, and content based on the default Procurement Dashboard setup.

Before setting up the content and saved search, you can review the prerequisites and portlet content description from the following topics:

To set up the procurement dashboard layout:

  1. In the upper right side of the dashboard, click Layout.

    The Procurement Dashboard uses the three-column layout type by default.

  2. From the layout options, click the three-column layout.

    For more information, see Dashboard Layouts.

To add procurement dashboard portlets:

  1. In the upper right side of the dashboard, click Personalize.

  2. On the Personalize Dashboard pane, click Standard Content.

  3. From the submenu, click the portlets that you want to select.

  4. Based on the Procurement Dashboard default setup, select the following portlets arranged according to their position on the dashboard layout:

    Layout Column

    Portlet Type

    No. of Portlets

    Left column

    Custom Portlet




    Center column

    Key Performance Indicators

    KPI Scorecard

    Custom Search




    Right column

    KPI Meter


  5. To arrange the order of a portlet, drag and drop it to the new position on the dashboard.

    For more information, see Adding a Portlet to a Dashboard.

To add procurement dashboard portlet content:

  1. For each portlet on the dashboard, the menu is displayed when you point to the title bar. Point to the menu icon to display the options.

  2. Click Set Up.

  3. In the popup window, select the saved search or content specific to the portlet type.

    The following table shows the list of portlets in the order of how they are displayed on the default Procurement Dashboard. It also describes the steps to add content specific to each portlet.

    For a description of the portlet content or saved searches, see Using the Procurement Dashboard. For detailed instructions on adding portlet content, see Setting Up Dashboard Portlet Content.

    Portlet Title

    Portlet Type

    Content/Saved Search Name

    Setup Instructions


    Custom Portlet

    The Procurement Dashboard does not use the standard Shortcuts portlet.

    APA Dashboard Shortcuts PO

    (For a description of the shortcut links, see Shortcuts.)

    On the Custom Content popup window, select the saved search from the list in the Source field.



    For the list of Reminders saved searches, see Reminders.

    • On the Set Up Reminders popup window, click Add Custom Reminders.

    • On the Choose Custom Reminders popup window, click the saved searches in the left pane.


    Custom Portlet

    The Procurement Dashboard does not use the standard reports portlets.

    APA Dashboard Reports PO

    (For the list of available reports, see Reports.)

    On the Custom Content popup window, select the saved search from the list in the Source field.

    Key Performance Indicators

    Key Performance Indicators

    For a list of KPI saved searches, see Key Performance Indicators and KPI Meters.

    • On the Set Up KPI popup window, click Add Custom KPIs.

    • On the Choose Custom KPI popup window, click the saved searches in the left pane.

    The date ranges for the KPI comparison are set to this month and last month, by default.

    Vendor Performance

    KPI Scorecard

    Vendor Performance

    (For a list of KPIs included in the scorecard, see KPI Scorecard.)

    On the KPI Scorecard popup window, select the scorecard from the list in the Search field

    Expiring Contracts

    Contracts Close to Maximum Value

    Custom Search

    For a list of Custom Search saved searches, see Custom Searches.

    On the Custom Search popup window, select the saved search from the list in the Search field

    KPI Meter (2)

    KPI Meter

    For the list of KPIs, see Key Performance Indicators and KPI Meters.

    On the KPI portlet, select the KPI from the list located below the title.


    Be sure to set up the Key Performance Indicators portlet first, to select the KPIs that you can also display on the KPI Meter.

To personalize the Procurement Dashboard to accommodate specific business requirements, see Customizing the Procurement Dashboard and Best Practices for Customizing the Procurement Dashboard.

Publishing the Procurement Dashboard

To select roles to publish the dashboard:

  1. Go to the Home page.

  2. In the Settings portlet, click the List link beside the Publish Dashboard link.

  3. Click Edit next to the Procurement Dashboard.

  4. On the Publish Dashboard page, select the role on the Apply to Roles subtab.

  5. You can add the following dashboard settings, depending on your business requirements:

    • If you are publishing changes to the Procurement Dashboard, you can check the box in the Override Existing User’s Settings column. This preference replaces any personal settings of existing users with the published dashboard. Clear this box to publish the dashboard only to new users assigned with the role or dashboard. For more information about the publish dashboard record, see Publishing a Dashboard.


      If an update to the SuiteApp includes new portlet content or saved searches, you may have to manually set up the portlet.

      After adding the portlet content, you can publish your updated dashboard to other users. For instructions to set up each portlet, see Using the Procurement Dashboard.

    • On the Apply to Tabs subtab, you can view the default restriction level for users of the Procurement Dashboard, which is set to Add/Move content. This restriction enables users to add and rearrange the dashboard portlets, but prevents them from removing portlets. If you want to prevent any user changes or allow more changes, you have to create a new publish dashboard record. Restrictions can only be set one time and can no longer be changed or updated. For more information, see Restricting Users' Dashboard Personalizations.

    Other roles with the publish dashboard permission can also create a new dashboard record to share their customizations on the Procurement Dashboard. For more information about customizing the dashboard, see Customizing the Procurement Dashboard. For more information about the publish permission, see Procurement Dashboard Permissions.

  6. Click Save and Update Content.

    Clicking Save only saves the changes to the dashboard definition, without applying them to users’ dashboards

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